I still think this is the strangest one on eBay currently:
I still think this is the strangest one on eBay currently:
Nothing a little BBQ grill high-temp rattle can paint won't cure.
I was expecting something a little more "Live and Let Die"-esque. Still amazing the amount of ground that boat covered.
But will they be smart enough to not try unloading them on craigslist or eBay?
Probably not on anyone's radar screen, but I was always fond of the Buick LaCrosse concept from 2000. It looked like a Buick, but it gave you four door acces with a coupe-like look, and the flat load floor in the rear would actually make it pretty useful for the occasional suburban run to a big-box retailer. I don't…
This is why we can't have nice things.
Looks like they missed a Darwin award by just a few yards.
But at times the sound of those tires made me think of Ned Beatty.
Reminded me that it was almost 10 years ago a barge hit the Arkansas River bridge on I-40 in eastern Oklahoma, which resulted in a section of the bridge collapsing and several folks plunging to their deaths when they drove off the end of the bridge at highway speeds. I still can't drive over this bridge without…
My 2008 Jeep Patriot tells me individual tire pressure, but at the moment my low pressure warning comes on and my right-rear tire reading flashes, even though it's showing 31 pounds while the others are showing 33 (so none are actually low). I think this may be due to my several years ago being in a bind and putting…
I cracked a guy up once when I was 2 or 3 years old; he was a smoker and to entertain me he started blowing smoke rings, which I identified as "O"s. I then asked him to make a "G", and he completely lost it.
Could we not also take away the guns and just give everyone knives?
I'm 47, so air conditioning isn't an option for 1918. Luckily twice my age sneaks me in a few years after Cadillac introduces the electric starter, so I guess as long as I don't have to manually turn a crank I'd be okay with that. Got to get a heavier coat though. And maybe some goggles.
Keep them dogies rollin'
When I was probably 4 years old (pre-1970) my babysitter had one of these old washers, though hers was electric and kept in a back room. When it was running the wringer ran as well (I guess everything was geared together), and as I was watching it do its thing one day I reached my hand out and let my fingers "do the…
Agree 100%, even without the diesel.
I don't know why, but I chuckle every time at the line: "And just pay once a month, like you do your rent."