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This reminded me of an episode of "Rescue 911" that I worked on years ago. I think I've posted a link to that episode before, but in looking for it I found this "behind the scenes" video that gives an idea of how they recreated the accident by using a cable and pulley system to pull the minivan with a tow truck into

I'm glad at least one person got it, that's really all I ask for. Actually in real life I love throwing out something offhanded like that in a group and having one person dying laughing while everyone else just looks confused.

I can't get the picture I pulled from Google Streetview to post (and of course it wasn't big enough, or very pretty), but there's a "Johnson Exit 69" on I-540 in Fayetteville, AR that would be a nice complement to the one accompanying this story.

Johnson. Exit 69.

Should have put in an engine from a '66 Dodge for a Boxster Rebellion.


Don't you mean four of your favorite things?

My dad had a '67 Chevy pickup when I was growing up. It had the gasoline tank in the cab behind the seat back (as many trucks did at the time). During the oil crisis of the early '70s he converted the truck to liquid propane, which necessitated a tank in the bed. I remember being freaked out at the concept of fuel

But it should be mandated his cars be painted highway department reflective orange, preferably with wide brushes, applied by small children. I'd be okay with that being the case forever. And/or remove the driver's side airbag from his cars so he'll maybe be a little more cautious in the future. Then if after that

What a jerk!

Goodness gracious!

But also to be fair, gas prices were artificially low when Obama took office because of the beginning of the recession. They were pushing $4 until October of 2008 and then the bottom dropped out. I posted a long diatribe about this on oppositelock a day or two earlier, because I was tired of seeing people

I paid $3.39 for regular gasoline last night (actually I paid $3.09 with my Kroger discount); as I've mentioned before though, that's still cheaper than the $3.99 I paid in June 2008. So really we should be praising Obama for giving us gas prices that are 15% less than when George W. was in charge, right? (ducks for

Cut the guy some slack, he's probably on his way to his first AA meeting.

When my wife and I got married (1988) we both had 1984 model cars, so in 1989 I traded mine in, and we've somewhat stuck to a 10-year cycle on replacing cars, which allowed us to avoid having two car payments at once, and to always have one good newer car to rely on for trips and such, and one not quite so new that

Should the fact that I recognized this listing from my own random search a couple of days ago scare me?

I'll just leave this here...

My grandfather's small-scale ethanol production facility met a similar fate back in the '40s.

When I heard talk of these "falcon" doors, I pictured something like the Ford Evos concept; having seen these photos, this Tesla has nothing on the Evos.

Several months ago someone new showed up in the parking deck where I park at work in an upscale full-sized SUV who was parking in compact car spaces and parking over the line, taking up two spaces. I tolerated it for a few days, since it wasn't directly impacting where I parked, but it annoyed me. When they kept it