@nosirrahg: Firebird I hood detail.
@nosirrahg: Firebird I hood detail.
That clip went on much too long...so did the video.
@Hoon that Dodge Colt: There's no doubt it played a role in my Jeep Patriot purchase. I figured with the lifetime warranty I can drive it daily until I get tired of it, then keep it around indefinitely as my weekend Home Depot/bad weather vehicle. The rub will come when I have my requisite 5-year checkup; some…
@engineerd: I was visiting my wife's uncle once when he got a wrong number call. Instead of answering "There's no one here by that name" when they asked for Joe, his response was something like "Oh, he just left with Martha." I can only imagine the grief he must have caused some guys over the years with answers…
@parkwood60: I actually pulled out my old hand-held CB on vacation this summer to see if truckers still use it. Truckers now use it share profanity-laden info, and prostitutes use it to solicit business from the truckers...a long way from "Keep the bugs off your glass, and the bears off your...tail".
@Flathead Smith: I guess that's why you never run into the prostitute's husband?
Someone should have given her an umbrella.
Probably the wrong venue in this instance, but the Wendy's people could have considered pushing their "Aisin Chicken"
@Joshman Nanzaret: I'm glad somebody else sat through the entire video for the bonus chuckle at the end.
@mr_dude: Looked like the truck was pulling a hay baler (the round variety). Not sure what the motivation was, but really, what else can you do with a clunker hay baler?
I took the Ford Rouge factory tour in Dearborn about three weeks ago, and there were a few Raptors going through the line then. Of course you're not allowed to take photos in the plant, but what I saw looked pretty nice. We just saw the bodies going through though; no look at what goes under the hood or the…
Fortunately for me my wife was driving a tan Ford Escort L when we first met, so she was WAY under the radar screen of most guys. She moved up to a champagne Geo Prizm LSI from there, and is now in a white Accord EX. So looks like I should steer her to a Camry next to maintain the status quo.
Since no one else had posted an El Camino pic, I figured I'd go ahead and add mine before it was too late.
Too bad GM and Chrysler aren't benefiting more from this; the sooner they can pay off their loans and get the government monkey off their backs, the better...for them and for us.
Okay, this is the 2nd one of these videos I've watched today, and both times whoever is running the throttle sounds like A) he's cranking it WAY over 2000 RPM, and B) they're revving the thing up and down, versus keeping a constant 2000 RPM. How long before the first story of someone who incorrectly does this…
Did no one do the math on this on the front end? I mean, I know one BILLION dollars sounds like a lot, but if the average payout is $4,000, that's 250,000 cars. I read somewhere that there's over 23,000 dealers participating, which means an average of about 11 cars per dealer. Granted that's an average, but you'd…