
History shows again and again

Too bad "that'll buff right out" doesn't work in this situation.

@AllenK: I guess maybe when your house already has a hitch on it one of these seems kind of redundant.

Is that a Mercedes, or an Audi 5000?

Wow, I'm from Arkansas and I've NEVER seen a ToteMotel in my 40-plus years of existence. Does that mean we're so backwards these just haven't made it here yet, or was the camper shell on the El Camino sufficient enough for our needs?

Reminds me of the time my wife and I were sitting on the couch, and my kid dropped an angry cat on the back of the couch between us...which hastily retreated from my child across my wife's face, clawing her lip in the process. My wife screamed and grabbed her mouth, to which I immediately replied: "What's wrong? Cat

I read somewhere once that the stealth airplanes were coated in some type of radar-absorbing material that didn't allow the beams to bounce off the surface and register their location. I always thought it'd be nice to get your hands on a can of that stuff and paint a car with it...not that I think liquid bedliner

I think earning COTD is sort of like "scoring" of a sexual's when you quit trying to score and are just being yourself that those things tend to happen and are their best; it's when you force things (in either situation) that things go bad.

"This just in...a tragic ending today for the life of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, who was on holiday in northern Europe..."

A friend of mine just backed out of buying a new xB that had major hail damage; the cost of the repairs weren't much less than the discount they were offering...but what a perfect candidate for such a transformation!

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

So everyone is complaining about the rising price of corn because so much is being diverted to ethanol production...could it be that we're just now catching up from years of artificially cheap corn prices because cars replaced horses, which probably would have consumer much more corn-per-mile than a car would use?

There is a part of me (and probably some of you too) that wants to take what I'd pay monthly for a new car, and buy a beater instead...just to see how long I could drive a $300-400 car, and if I'd come out ahead (assuming I didn't have too many major repairs) by saving the money the next few months, and then when the


@racerx: I was thinking the same thing...wouldn't it be great to have an electric guitar that made that sound!

I guess if their sponsor had been "Pimp Juice" they'd have been screwed.

Unless it's smaller than the Colorado and gets better gas mileage, what's the point?

Looks like dad dropped the camera when the Barbi Corvette with the "Tuned by Mattel" sticker blew by.

How long has the G6 been around? Started as a 2005 model? Not that it looks out of date necessarily, but if it'll be 2011 before the new one rolls out that seems like a LONG time without any significant changes.

Maybe a spiral pattern to induce vertigo on passing motorists...