
Rigged a contest to win a Porsche?!

you mean he doesn't just wake up and find his police uniform in a drawer by his hospital bed?!

there's something possibly being hinted at with the hinged apple logo methinks?

@swizzle23: i do at least for THIS blog.

@Mpowered: Eff a bootcamp/parallels


so great. another jailbreak ON WINDOWS when the majority of those who would jailbreak are still waiting on the last one to get onto OSX

not sure if anyone said anything, but greenpoisOn is delayed since they're implementing this exploit now as well into their coding:

Now playing

"And that's why I can't go for that. " - Bob Fossil

okay, can he be the one to lens this Bioshock adaptation then? please?

a) hookers b) blow

Ugh. Where is the update for the HD version!?

I'm looking forward to two games right now.

i wonder if the Clam Case will get a better review

"...oh shit, there's a horse in the hospital"