Steve N

All of the above people assaulted adults (or very very close to adult, I know that doesn’t mean adult but in society it basically does) women. Kevin Spacey raped 14-year-old boys. That’s a year away from the cut off age for pedophilia (13). That has a very different connotation in our culture.

Don’t forget Pesci

When Dave first heard the song, he was probably thinking at that moment that life has a funny way of sneaking up on you. When you think everything’s okay and a everything’s going going right. And life has funny way of helping you out. When you think everything’s gone wrong. And everything blows up in your face.

Some of my favorite contemporary pairings not mentioned in this piece:

At this point, Edgar Wright should be required to work with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.  Love all of his work with them, disappointed in all his output without them.

You guys ever hear of Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro? 

COUNTERPOINT: Eh, it’s no less plausible than Ang Lee doing a Hulk flick.

masturbating in the street -> masturbating

For that matter...

Netflix’s satirical thriller, You —> Netflix’s satirical thriller You

That’s fine, buddy. Because us Unity devs think you’re a “fucking idiot” for acquiring a company best known as a malware pusher to be your new monetization platform provider. 🤨

My lukewarm take:

It really hurts watching this happen to the AV Club 

As someone with a 12 year old PC, good for him 

Which is unfair. He was amazing in Hail Caesar!, and Solo was a failure for plenty of reasons but Alden wasn’t one of them.

I enjoyed White Lotus, but it wasn’t that good. Or am I delusional? Mostly I’m sitting here wondering how White Lotus got so many nominations and the much, much better Station Eleven only garnered one, for the outstanding work of Himesh Patel.

“I don’t have a problem with drugs. I’ve had problems with cops.”
- Keith Richards

I hate that contrivance, yet so many shows have formatted themselves around it - X-Files, Fringe, Blacklist. I don’t see the appeal of it, but I guess a successful screenwriter of influence back in the day dictated it “had to be’ and the industry followed suit.

That opening riff on “Bitch” is so nasty. I love it.

Tom Cruise as the titular Funny Girl, though...