Steve N

Weird to me that Parasite and Jojo Rabbit get nominated for “best cast” with a single individual acting nomination between them, while Marriage Story has nominations in three of four acting categories, but not best cast. What? Did Wallace Shawn drag everything down?

Ethan Phillips off on another endless voyage. I nearly fell over when I recognized him, this being the big anniversary year.

she has so many talents

It’s easy to get confused because RDJ, as Chaplin, gets an honorary Oscar in the movie. Which has me wondering: if a movie has a character getting an Oscar, is that actor then banned from getting an Oscar?

I recently rewatched 30 rock and was blown away by how hilarious Sheen is in that.

Denzel is maybe the only star who did something really different with Training Day. Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, RDJ, etc are all kinda playing themselves almost. It’s pretty common. 

Does he treat donkeys?  Because that would make him The Assman.

“I’ve got nothing against Rose, I just reflexively recoil anytime anyone suggests giving her any screentime.”

Its one thing to introduce a new character, and quite another to bring back a character who we saw die. 

I mean, a great storyline could have been that Finn killed people as a Stormtrooper early in Episode VII and in Episode VIII had to confront someone close to one of the people he killed (family member, spouse, whatever) that puts him on a guilt trip that he has to recover from in Episode IX.

Why is it that no writer at any point was ever willing to just commit to Kylo being a villain? He’s a wretched little rat bastard, he doesn’t need redemption just because his grandad did. Just let him be evil!

Yeah. I hate that Leia’s last pleas for the resistance falls on deaf ears, according to JJ. You couldn’t give her that? Just say that it worked. We see no indication that the Resistance is in shambles or falling apart or anything. Just say it worked.

I’m going to need some citations for that. They reported on the actual controversy around the film before it was released, reviewed it when it came out, and included it in their worst-of list because that’s what the writers voted on. Now they’re discussing the most nominated movie and whether it’s worthy of that honor

This looks... solid. Not especially bad nor particularly great. Conventional superhero/horror genre beats competently performed and visualized. To really take off, a character like Morbius needs to be sympathetic, repulsive and operatic, like Liam Neeson’s Darkman or Jeff Goldblum’s Fly and it also helps to have a

I just cannot stop laughing at this thing.

That... definitely could be the reason.

Well, that and one has a protagonist who brutally murders molesters while rescuing abducted children and the other has a protagonist who brutally murders people who are mean to him.

I not only have seen LEVIATHAN and DEEP STAR SIX, I saw them both in the theater. That fact is making me really ponder the possibility of seeing this one in the theater too.

Expanse did this masterfully. They may not have been main characters, but the captain and Jim’s love interest were fully fleshed out characters in the first episode only to be unceremoniously blown away right at the end of it. Unlike them, Amos, Naomi and Alex, the characters we would grow to love, almost seem like

Beta Ray Bill was beloved because of Walt Simonson.