
All I got from that video is that he really, really likes the color orange and that he might not know what a platypus is.

THEY ARE THE WORST. Uneducated, pretentious, ridiculous, pampered.

Mine has everything from Chrome and everything from Cyberduck

I agree the wording seems problematic, but I read it as expressing a sentiment about whether or not some ability is taken for granted—or even seen as an inconvenience—by some, while being desperately craved by others. It doesn't necessarily have to be about judging others (say, for having abortions or taking birth


That's one of the biggest dog-whistles that gives away a misogynist every time... They don't know how to consider 'women' people, so they go the scientific route by referring to 'females'.

Women in power suits can be intimidating, you know...

Instinct tells me a lot of his male colleagues don't find him particularly pleasant, either.

I HATE feeling pressured not to talk over and sexualize other people too! Common respect is such a bummer, man.

So it's the internet cafe's fault, not the father who let his son go there who also sounds he might be prone to violent outbursts given his temper.

This mural is missing a few things... A guy selling arms to Iran, slaughtered nuns in Central America, Reagan laughing at guys dying of AIDS...

According to this list (likely missing one item) most of the students at the University of East Anglia are already peeing in the shower and lying about it, they may no see a drastic reduction in water usage after all.


It pairs very well with anything cooked in a White [Straight Male] W[h]ine reduction sauce, and to complete the ambiance I suggest a quartet of Evangelicals shrieking "Won't someone please think of the CHILDREN!" It will make for a lovely evening.

Not to be "that person," but I'm going to be "that person." It's "same sex marriage" or "marriage equality." The use of the phrase "gay marriage" needs to stop. Signed, "that" bisexual person.

do you collect those conservative tears and drink when you need a little hypocrisies in your life? LOL! 😉

Their tears really are delicious though. And if anyone deserves to made to cry, it's people who have devoted so much time and effort and money to denying rights to others.

People who say that are idiots because the US and France are equally backwards when comes to this issue. Also i wish people would stop acting like Europe is a country.

I'm fucking sick of atheists getting the shit end of the stick. WE'RE THE ONES NOT KILLING PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF SOME FUCKTARD IN THE SKY. Fuck you, Lucas Oil lady.

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.