
Yeah but in that case the service is at fault not complying with ... because "! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` . { | } ~" are all valid in the local part of an email adresss (aka the part before the @)

"Please, god, tell me there is some situation that an artist will not depict Disney Princesses in."

Why can't things be taught in 2 places? You know, to make sure everyone gets it at least once and some lucky kids get it twice! That doesn't really seem harmful . . . .

The people that have absolute influence over a company not caring about what the company does is precisely the problem with modern capitol investment. :c

I do not understand video games and I even feel angry because, at Nintendo's shareholders' meetings, the shareholders always discuss things relating to video games or such childish topics as "what the future of video games should be," while I, for one, was flabbergasted that Mr. Iwata continues to hold his position

I hope that Nintendo's shareholders' meeting will become an opportunity where the shareholders discuss the company's business operations from the viewpoints of capital gain and dividends.


Maybe, but I do. One thing I like about the Gawker network is a lot of the writers are around my age and when they go nostalgic it generally resonates with me. So get off/join me on my lawn as appropriate :)

Part of me wants to pretend this was the very last challenge on the very last episode of Double Dare and they are just emptying the prize vault as one kick ass prize.

"back and forth motion"

Another reason cops should have to be recorded at all times a'la End of Watch. Cops should always be forced to show evidence of any charge, always. If people are supposed to have any sort of authority a higher standards should be included no matter what.

This is another reason police should have be video recording everything, for our protection as well as theirs. The fact that it's been proven constantly that trumped up charges against people are used so easily by police is just more reason why they should have evidence of all their actions on the job.

Police should

Resisting Arrest is what they like to charge people with when they get caught attacking someone who didn't commit a crime. "oh, you didn't do anything wrong but I need a reason to have grabbed you by the hair, yeah you resisted arrest". Shouldn't it be a person's right to non-violently resist an unjustified arrest?

I do not believe that the guards at the Eyrie are aware of who Sansa is. If I'm not mistaken they still believe that she's a random young girl who is there with Baelish.

Strikes me as a little unfair speculation but, you know, whatevs.


Not an eye roll, but still. Works for me.

It's true because little girls commit the vast majority of violent crime

Sorry to state the obvious, but "morally underdeveloped, hateful, jealous, little minds" is a great way to describe the people on Fox News.

i felt anxious just watching those reactions. that horrific scream haunts my dreams.