
My bracelet says, "Jezebel Commentor"

This is why I hate baby showers, bridal showers, etc. Its celebrating normal things that women do, and its basically saying "congratulations hun you found a man! you did it! the highest accomplishment in your life!"

What ancient world does this woman exist in where families of 3+ people can still commonly be comfortably supported by the income of a single person? And, as a man, what if I have a nurturing side? What if I want to take time off now and then to spend time with my future children and let my future wife bring home the

Straight people let others know they're straight EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY. They talk about their wives and kids, have pictures of their family on their desks at work, hold hands and kiss in public, go on dates, go out in public with their partners, talk about their attractions, all NON STOP.

BrianM, I've heard this line of thinking before, and it makes sense, except for one thing: being gay has more implications that the pants you want to get into. There are numerous aspects of a gay man/woman's life that go beyond the bedroom, just as aspects of being straight are worn on people's sleeves as well, or, on

For people who can't understand why coming out and being out is important, do this experiment:

Yeah, straight people do, all the time. Marriage and anniversary celebrations, proms and dances, dates, public displays of affections, etc.

As someone with a milder form of CP than the mother featured in the documentary, I'll say that smoking marijuana was most likely the best thing that happened to me.

I hope she looks into a vaporizer. People assume that smoking marijuana can't give you lung cancer, but smoke is still a carcinogen. I always recommend switching to vaping, it's so much better for the lungs.

I went through quite a process on this issue (lapsed former Christian kid here). I came around on homosexuality long before I came around on gay marriage, and what finally put me over the threshold was getting married myself last year. It turned me from "I suppose I wouldn't mind if this happens" to "This should

I definitely agree with you in spirit—if not in the exact mode of expression of that spirit.

As I'm getting older, I'm finding that I do have -some- Conservative tendencies (mainly related to national defense; I come from a military family), but I'm just as socially Liberal in my thirties as I was in my college years,

We too often forget that marriage is a legally binding contract; sure, it's a religious ceremony for some people, and a sacred concept to others—but before the law, marriage is a civil contract, removed from any other institution.

"Defending 'traditional' marriage" is just a bigot's argument in which they don't have to admit or even realize that they are bigots.

I've never understood the whole "defense of marriage" argument that is levied against same-sex marriages.

I'm getting married in March; I myself am a heterosexual male, marrying a lovely woman who has both the sense of humor (and boundless patience) to put up with me long-term. We're holding our wedding at a hall near

Yeah, it took me the longest time to get used to my (now) husband's forms of affection. Which mostly involve poking me and making weird sounds at me, or acting like a spoiled brat when he wanted affection.

Everyone knows the only thing to wear when eating your night cheese is a slanket full of your own farts.

Thank you for pointing this out.

"And now a weather news update: Typhoon Moé is just hours from making landfall in the greater Kanto region. Expect high amounts of kawaii, along with some possibly devastating levels of tsundere."

Wait a minute, we're pro marriage, we're pro traditional marriage, we're not anti anybody.

This is why most people I know who were raised Catholic don't go to church anymore. You're not "out-marketed," you're just preaching hate.