
Yeah, it took me the longest time to get used to my (now) husband's forms of affection. Which mostly involve poking me and making weird sounds at me, or acting like a spoiled brat when he wanted affection.

Everyone knows the only thing to wear when eating your night cheese is a slanket full of your own farts.

Thank you for pointing this out.

"And now a weather news update: Typhoon Moé is just hours from making landfall in the greater Kanto region. Expect high amounts of kawaii, along with some possibly devastating levels of tsundere."

Wait a minute, we're pro marriage, we're pro traditional marriage, we're not anti anybody.

This is why most people I know who were raised Catholic don't go to church anymore. You're not "out-marketed," you're just preaching hate.

What airplane food?

It's clearly the gay man's gaze anyway. Though I still watched the fuck out of it. Those butts!

A. Being "the source of" and being a participant in an argument are two completely different things. If you choose to view your partner as a "source" of conflict, you need a new partner and/or therapy. B. If somebody gets so bent out of shape over routine disagreements and mundane conflicts that they feel the need to

pff as if Pokemons were able to kill anything.

The World DivaCup

Isn't JDownloader specifically for file-sharing sites?

Relevant Awkward Zombie comic.

Yea man! 2 birds 1 stone = 2x damage to flying types lol.

Lemongrab would sentence Beck to . . .

Wonder if he knows that "a friend of Dorothy" used to be gay slang, a coded means of discussing queer identity back in the day.

Way to oppress children right out of their educations.

This is almost as bad as the time this happened.

I bet some giza fell asleep at the wheel