
I am a broken atheist. I looooove Christmas carols. But only the religious ones. For some reason the entire world celebrating the birth of a baby hits me right in the ovaries. It doesn't even matter that I think the whole tale is a bunch of nonsense. "What Child is This" comes over the loud speaker at the grocery

I'm an atheist who celebrates the commercial, decorative and cookie aspects of Christmas, but I feel like Rick Perry wouldn't be as cool with kids in schools putting up menorahs and Kwanzaa decorations and pagan Winter Solstice stuff.

Mavericks? WHY!? The cat name well was far from dry. Bobcat. Ocelot. Lynx. Scottish Fold. Munchkin. Hypoallergenic. The list goes on and on.

I feel like the longer you sleep naked, the less you are phased by doing things in the nude in the pre/post sleeping moments...I have been known to walk to the kitchen in the buff for a nighttime glass of water (but I try to only do it when my roommate isn't home)...I will admit that I've opened the door to check the

I know this is probably said as a joke, but this is a pretty good example of a scantily clad guy that's made to appeal to females sexually rather than a male power fantasy (ex. Kratos)

seeing team rocket act like a real criminal organization reminded me of this comic.