
That still is not the full sized image. That is the scaled down version present on the search results page

Because that opens up the thumbnail present on the search results, not the original, full-resolution image

Why was it Google’s responsibility to do anything? Getty Images should be denying direct linking to their images like angelfire did back in the day and keep search engines from indexing your pages. Secure your own damn product! Also Bing images still has view image. Is Getty gonna sue Microsoft next? Are they going to

Before any of this ASK YOU PARTNER FIRST! Im a guy who doesn’t really like their balls touched at all. Not only would I prefer anything else, I find the sensation of them being moved or manipulated in anyway very uncomfortable and not at all pleasurable.

gay male here. Douching helps. If you have gas or bloating, a squirt or two from a douche will alleviate it for a while. I’ve done it just so I wouldn’t be flatulent at a social event and it works!

the new legendaries look like Solgaleo/Lunala fused with Necrozma

Try playonlinux or its cousin playonmac which greatly simplify it and let you create environments for each app you want to run

Have you tried winetricks to install the requisite direct X libraries that those applications likely depend on?

I don’t like the new interface. It’s visually pleasing to look at, but sucks in all other ways. They took away the non-specific recommendations, which I enjoyed, because they kept me from getting into a musical rut

I’m guessing Bernie bros is a pejorative for overzealous Bernie supporters in which case I guess you’re right? The one person I could characterize as a Bernie bro is voting Johnson. As a run-of-the-mill average Bernie supporter, I read him for filth for that before unfriending him because he literally jumped the

both those third party choices are terrible!

OMG! Are these people for real? No one had any problems with male clefairy, sylvion, or any of the other fairy-type pokemon that can be male. Perhaps it picks up a fairy typing in its final stage evolution, but really it doesn’t matter. It’s a damn pokemon!

yeah, that’s what I always hear. People start on pills and move to heroin. What are the circumstances of people who go straight to heroin? are there even people who go straight to heroin?

yeah, that’s exactly the point I was making. They made it impossible to find an impartial jury now

too bad making the evidence viral makes assembling a constitutionally-mandated impartial jury near impossible!

got hooked on prescription opiates, then heroin cases aside, how do people get started on heroin? I just don’t get how, given how visibly it destroys lives, why anyone would say “sure, I’ll try that!”

making the story and picture go viral will ensure jury selection will be hell. Everyone will have seen this picture and they won’t be able to assemble an impartial jury

My father-in-law does this. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know the difference between a like and a share or between a status update or comment and a private message

a little off-topic, but Double Team is so much better in the anime than it is in the game. In the anime, it’s basically a kage bunshin no jutsu for pokemon. In the game, it just increases your evasiveness.