
It’s not a solution for people who do, but are awkward and not particularly social like my parents. Church did not automatically change them into social people

Me too! I also have massive FoMO because most, but not all of my friends moved to NYC in the years following graduation and continue to socialize more-or-less how we did in college, except in a big city and with adult careers and all I can do is see it happening on social media and feel sad that I am missing out. I

My parents tried this. They managed to make 0 friends and piss their atheist sons the fuck off dragging them to church every sunday

I want to make fun of this, but as a youngish adult living the traditional adult life (married, homeowner) I can honestly say I have no idea how to be social as an adult. I don’t enjoy the activities or the manner of socialization that older adults enjoy. The closeness of a college-esque community makes more sense and

besides all their popular songs sounding a lot alike as summarized in a previous response, they’re also a convenient proxy for hipsters. People who don’t actually know what “hipsters” listen to mock Mumford & Sons as “hipster” music

Their songs sound a lot alike. You could hear the start of one song expecting one set of lyrics and be completely wrong. It’s unfortunate, but true. Take any popular Mumford & Sons song and sing the lyrics to a different, popular song by them. There’s probably youtube videos that demonstrate this, similar to the “All

Yeah I was gonna say GW and Rumsfeld got away with war crimes, so why not let her get a pass

Can someone please make these into a pulseaudio module so I could use it in linux??

One of them was an ancestor of G.W. Bush. Don’t remember his name, though....

fear, in this context, means “giving proper reverence to”.

I really, truly believe that this is the case. Only now that they’re in decline does their crazy come out for all to see.

there’s no need to dog anyone over their sex life. He has the right to be abstinate, she has a right to pursue a fulfilling relationship which suits her, including sexually. Switch up the genders and it makes no difference. You should not be dogging anyone for being or not being sexually active and navigating their

Most emulators let you blur and antialias to emulate the effects of a low resolution CRT. Retroarch, for example, has filters to replicate artifacts of different types of displays and connectors.

when I was 5, I thought sex was when the guy (me) spit into the gal’s mouth and a baby grew in her literal stomach. Got the talk after my little brother shouted “ewww! sex” in the middle of a circuit city TV section (some bond movie was on). Thought sex was putting a penis into a vagina and waiting after that. I

Wait, what is this? I need to see this

It let’s you describe people who are anything but a cisgender heterosexual without making assumptions about their actual gender identity or sexual orientation, but beware, warm reception is generational. I’d say people 40 and up generally take it offensively because it was offensive “in their day”. US younger queers

I’d just send someone some Delaware leaves if they asked for them, no questions asked.

the way the screen scrolls is obnoxious. People are abusing it to make levels that rely on precisely timed and landed blind jumps as a mechanic

who gets the money they fine her for the contempt charge? does it go back to the county?

there’s more reasons to have prime that pointless sales, you know...