
when I was 5, I thought sex was when the guy (me) spit into the gal’s mouth and a baby grew in her literal stomach. Got the talk after my little brother shouted “ewww! sex” in the middle of a circuit city TV section (some bond movie was on). Thought sex was putting a penis into a vagina and waiting after that. I

Wait, what is this? I need to see this

I’d just send someone some Delaware leaves if they asked for them, no questions asked.

the way the screen scrolls is obnoxious. People are abusing it to make levels that rely on precisely timed and landed blind jumps as a mechanic

who gets the money they fine her for the contempt charge? does it go back to the county?

Stannis literally burned his own family when they wouldn’t convert, so likely all in his service love R’hllor too

he apparently hates his followers but continues to bless idolatrous blasphemers

People want to hate on Melisandre, but everyone in the scene’s face was like “this is so fucked, but R’hllor commands it and it’s this or die frozen, starving, or being butchered by the northern armies”. These are desperate people trying to appease their angry god that apparently hates the people who love him most.

they had all the slaves behind them.

His troops all love R’hllor, duh! Pretty sure that’s a requisite to be in his good graces right now

yes! thank you! apparently I was the only person in my house to realize this. My roommates who have not been following GoT and have no investment in the plot or characters didn’t even make this connection

Curious what you think of intersex individuals, individuals whose genitals are neither definitively male or female, or people whose chromosomes don’t match your narrow definition of male or female e.g. women who have XY chromosomes but developed female anatomy because of androgen insensitivity, or men who have XXY

unfortunately yes! Thank goodness I made this mistake when I was “straight” so it didn’t have to be my hole that was flaming

how was that for her?

seconding the endorsement of silicone lube. only downside is you have the feeling of mudbutt for an hour or two after anal with it. It hangs around a while

novelty lubes are a mistake. nothing like a flaming hot hole when your warming novelty lube is super effective.

you must be a joy at parties!

Rdio didn’t even have a single Belle & Sebastian album when my friends tried to get me into it like a year ago. Sorry, but thats an instant failing grade from me.

If they picked unknown muscicians, no one would pay $20/month to listen to them.

Christians confuse the help out of me! They look forward to the end of days, but at the same time they fear it. Make up your minds!