
It's a good indicator if the speaker is about to say something sexist or misogynistic. I wonder if anyone has ever pointed out the incongruity of (what I presume is) their diction i.e. "men and females" versus "men and women"

Most of the men were accused by association with an accused woman. Very few men of the few accused were accused alone.

but those dogs are cute! I was expecting them to look ferocious. Instead, I get nekomimi girls beating up a cute dog.

non-sensationalist news! What a concept! Shame on our modern news media culture. Profit-driven fearmongering is all it is anymore.

I have the speck candyshell because I loved my speck pixel on my old iPhone 4S. I am somewhat regretting it...It's really smooth....too smooth! It's good that it's impact resistant because my phone will be doing a lot more falling. It slides easily off of surfaces and around my car during turns. I have to make

I love siri, but sometimes siri completely misunderstands what I am asking. She gets all the words right, but she will, for example, google search my exact query instead of, say, convert tablespoons to cups and read me the result.

is there an uncensored version of the picture? I kind of want to see it :X

Your reasoning is inconsistent. You say sex is not vital to one's health/life, therefore birth control should not be covered because you don't *have* to prevent pregnancy, but then you say that getting an erection to have sex (whether it results in pregnancy or not) is worthy of coverage even though sex continues to

No, but it sure does help marriage. You know what also helps marriage? Not getting pregnant every time you have sex and having so many kids you can't feed them

I'm going to guess by this response that you're actually some sort of troll instead of a serious rightwinger

speaking of classless

Bi people may want to get "gay" married. Also transgender and intersex people whose documents may not match their gender identity may also want to get "gay" married. Calling it "gay" marriage excludes those unions and the identities of the people in them, therefore marriage equality is preferred.

you behave like you're a victim. You believe you are entitled to abridge the rights of others and get pissy when you can't do that. "oh boo hoo! People who are different than me exist and have equal rights to me! Woe is me!" Get over it!

hmm good point! Speaking of appreciating the vintage, can you recommend a pairing? You are now my sommelier of rightwing outrage.

Considering that it

Ha! You are not a victim. Us gaining rights equal to yours does not make you a victim. Your discomfort with equality is your own problem.

Oh I enjoy both! I love being engaged and soon married while I play a tiny violin for all the all the rightwingers (you) who are upset that I can marry my partner without their (meaning you, the rightwing conservatives) consent or approval, you know, because my marriage has no impact on you in the same way your


Atheists are not a monolithic group (we don't even not-believe in the same way or for the same reasons because atheism is not an organized religion). Sorry to get all #notallatheists on you, but the same could be said about any religious group too and some religions are used to justify those problems. I've never