
I *love* this video series! I really wish her detractors would take a step back and really try to understand what she is trying to communicate them. She has a very important message for all of us!

whoever created the graphic has a very similar taste in music to me

No, she was one of very few people who actually believed me when I said I was straight. I don't think women are nuts though. Just my ex. I love women, just not sexually.

I didn't learn about her cheating until well after she was told to get lost by some then-friends of my roommate, now great friends of mine. I suspected nothing while it was occurring.

no, I am gay. Back then I was closeted and self-hating. I was trying to force myself to be straight because straight was "normal"

THIS HAS LITERALLY HAPPENED TO ME! When I was "straight", my girlfriend literally woke up in the middle of the night to punch me because I had cheated on her in her dream. She then proceeded to be angry at me for more than a week over this. I told her that I cannot be held accountable for things that I did not

parts of them are, at least. Muffins are a lot fatter and shorter than a penis, then again there are some really weird looking penises out there. I've seen them!

I don't know. The things I read made JDownloader seem like DTA meets bittorrent. I actually used to have DTA installed in firefox when I was a firefox user, but I found myself rarely using it, if ever. It wasn't a dealbreaker like my video downloader is. In chrome i had to use an extension for every site (except

I'm not looking at the settings, I'm looking at the process list at boot time. Chrome doesn't load til I start it. Once started, it stays loaded, even when it has no active windows, but it does not start until started. That's also why I have to open chrome upon booting his PC to have all the cloudprint jobs I sent

noticing a lot of people saying chrome doesn't have the same kinds of extensions that firefox does. To those users I say "you didn't really look, did you?" because I used to use firefox, but switch to chrome and found an equivalent to every single extension I used to use including a video downloader.

as far as I can tell, it doesn't preload itself on my kubuntu install, yet it still performs WAY faster than firefox which still takes forever to load and, even then, is still slower at rendering pages.

I don't know what to find more frightening: his paranoid rants or the people who take him seriously.

is Schuyler someone's spelling for "skyler"? I would have read it as "shoe-ee-ler".

Now playing

You gotta have something to backup "the look" (see number 5)

he's hiding a premature bald spot

I live *near* mushroom country and some days it smells like I live in a cow's anus, but you don't see me rushing to sue them into shutdown. This is just absurd.

Don't give your kids crazy names like this. They will hate you for it. Giving them a silly name is not a gift, it's a curse. It'll why no one will ever take them seriously. It'll be why they question your judgement. It'll be something something they feel shame over.
(from a guy whose name is unusual, but not