
I did basically the same thing, except my lapsed catholic parents decided to get back into it AFTER I read a big book of world mythologies (Greek/Roman, Norse, Sumarian, Chinese, African, Native American, believe me this book was thorough and I was a huge nerd). They put me in Sunday school as a high school freshmen.

Why did he give the measurements for the world record carry in mixed units.

"He carried X pounds for Y meters"

or, you know, watching your fucking kids and being aware of their location and not being so distracted as to lose them

can someone please pay me thousands of dollars for my printed t-shirt design featuring a pooping butt?

ah that's a shame... I really wanted to find a good movie about lesbians to watch with my lesbian roommates who sit through all the gay male-focused queer films that my boyfriend and I watch. Anyone have any suggestions??

I really hope someone plays with Game of Thrones family sigils!

My HR People are obsessed with this commercial and are as annoying as these middleschoolers about it, except I can't tell them to stop

who would have thought I'd have something in common with Miley

right about 1991. I was in first grade, so I was like 6 years old. It ran windows 3.11 for workgroups. My mom used it for work, but it also was our family computer. I played educational games and ms paint on it.

wait, you can't play all Blu-Rays with it? I've been watching disney blu-rays on linux with it. I thought that would be near-impossible, but sure enough it worked completely fine. Didn't have to do a thing.

I know exactly none of these things and consider myself happy and successful. I honestly couldn't care less about any of those things

I never quite understood what her power was. The rest of the sailor scouts clearly have elemental power, but what is Sailor Moon's? Does it hurt to be killed by glitter and hearts and whatnot that came out of her various moon wands?

It's mostly because my parents took a not-too-uncommon Gaelic name and changed the spelling. I got lucky. My younger brother did not....he got it far worse

so many reasons NOT to do this. Let's start with: It's fucking obnoxious to play your music aloud so everyone else has to hear it. Get headphones or earbuds. Second: fanny packs belong in the 80's. Let's leave them there.

My name can be spelled out in writing, like for example on facebook, and yet folks STILL manage to spell it wrong! It's right in front of them and they still manage to get it wrong! I'm very much of the opinion that your child is capable of being a unique individual without having it thrust upon them by giving them

As someone whose parents did precisely this, DON'T. Nothing is more infuriating than having to repeat your name over and over and spell it to every single person you meet. This is not the kind of unique I wanted to be

yeah, but they must add water at some point. Even with pumps, my flush doesn't have the volume to fill the pipe from my house to there and my neighbors can't all be flushing at the same time to get it all how does it all work?

sewers are a mystery to me. I live in the does my poo get to the treatment plant? My flush can't be enough water to carry it there. Also where do they hide these grinders?

I'm disappointed! There's an even better simpsons reference to be had here! Of course I am referring to Homer and the Land of Chocolate

I aggressively HATE fall. It's 50 degrees outside and I am already freezing. Fall is the start of the shit weather season