
yeah, unfortunately it does. I refuse to handle it. Mild germophobe here

The whole process sounds awful and likely make me not want to eat it at all. Apart from a few bits of meat here and there, I'm mostly vegetarian.

I get that they're made of meat and all, and I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to kill them, but fuck if I know what to do after that. I didn't grow up butchering my own meet

because the plane crashes that happen at air ports usually have clear causes e.g. bird in engine intake, pilot error, etc. and happen so rarely that it wouldn't justify the cost considering the many other ways one can learn about a crash. Also, aren't air traffic controllers watching all the incoming and outgoing

It's a different kind of bro-feels officially, but their sports fans and fandoms are notably horrible. Does that qualify them as bro-ish?

That's why I pound a powerade/gatorade before bed. Takes care of the dehydration, loss of electrolytes, and the B vitamins. It's a get-out-of-hangover-for-free (more like $1) card. It works 100% through moderate over-indulgence and helps to lesson the impact of full college-style drinking. The worst thing is that

Now playing

I love japanese stereotypes of americans. They're sadly on-point

I always assumed because of next of kin and inheritance laws would be a mess. Imagine if someone's plural spouses disagree about medical care when they are not capable of making the decisions themselves?

this font is probably meant to get stupid people to reveal their secrets while believing that they are safe

While I like the idea of the gritty one, I couldn't get into it. I was a fan of the cartoony one from the beginning and I missed the CO powers when I got to the gritty one. I think I put it down after 3 story battles

today, at least, they are sterilized. They didn't even know bacteria even existed at the time this was written and I am sure they were not sterilizing the organs of the animals they were using as condoms....yuck!

ah I love that series! So challenging! I can make it through the story on normal just fine but the hard mode and the non-story missions are so challenging!

forget the bathing! They're using a pig's bladder as a condom! EWWWW!!

Finding a gay valentine's card is impossible, too. I spent 20 minutes looking before I found one that was technically for a boyfriend from girlfriend, but which wasn't worded that way. Interestingly enough I wasn't the only one having trouble. An elderly man seemed to be looking at the same kinds of cards I was

Are you sure? Feedly has it pretty nailed. They're even opening up their API so that developers can use feedly the same way they used Google Reader as a place to synchronize feed readers

recently found my collection in my parents' crawl space. That's like 300 of them too! Stangely enough, 10-12 year old me had more-or-less the same plan for them (my kids instead of grandkids)

has anyone ever stopped and wondered how the beanie baby frenzy of the late 90's got started??

what do I do if a white co-worker calls me (also white) his n-word? This actually happened to me 10 years ago. I was so confused I just stared awkwardly at him as he went in awkwardly for a high-five/handshake

no one gives me medicine and I have no idea where to get any either

Change your language to British English and Siri becomes an accented male