
"Pokemon are also not enslaved, they can pop out of their pokeball at any time and send their trainers flying if they want to. And it's not like when they're caught they're being mind controlled to do battle. Maybe at first glance you can make the assumption that it's slavery but I mean common."

telnet? really? no one uses that anymore

as a gay male, I really appreciate the concept of the product, but in practice, find that generic baby wipes do the job just as well and are likely far more affordable. Nice try, playtex!

Why be polite? Who cares if you see him in a professional context? He's a douchebag and you're training him to believe his behavior is acceptable, you just didn't bite. He's just gonna do this to other girls. Shut him down HARD!

in linux you should just make a cron job that runs rm -Rf ~/Downloads/* with whatever frequency you like

I imagine those men have some misplaced resentment towards women. What they are really mad at is heteronormative society, but they express it poorly. I suppose I feel somewhat the same to an extent, but that doesn't explain why I my body's reaction was to vomit.

also I wish I could say I knew after that I was gay, but sadly it took 4 more years and another girlfriend and more attempts at heterosexual sex before I figured it out.

Offensive yes, but there may be truth to it. When I was "straight" and saw my first vagina (girlfriend I was supposed to lose my virginity to), I actually did almost vomit right on her. Can't rightly say why just that was just my body's reflexive reaction in the moment. She asked "are you okay?", I replied plainly

obvious question: why do the charts reflect different versions of the software than the headline? Is this testing firefox 13 and chrome 19 versus the others, or is it testing the current versions? Did someone make a mistake in producing the graphs???

YES! I did and I don't regret it. If nothing else, they are valuable trade pokemon

Just a tangential question to the article: do you guys think the "nice guy" attitude/personality extends to other aspects of their life besides their wannabe romantic lives? My experience says yes, because guys I've met that fit this types are also usually self-righteous assholes to me and they're not even trying to

It's like excommunication, but with sexy results

as someone with a non-traditional spelling of an uncommon name, my recommendation is to just pick a plain, every day name. Weird spellings and names are never remembered properly or spelled correctly and it kinda hurts when you think someone would care and you find out they really don't. I also felt shame because

I love how you can add family and friends to your prime account. I added my boyfriend and now he uses it all the time

or you could just browse porn in a privacy mode (Firefox) or an incognito window (Chrome).....

What is the author talking about? Dolphin *DOES* have a commander-like interface. You hit F3 and the single panel file browser splits into two

I use facebook chat in pidgin. I like being able to chat without keeping a browser window floating above other windows and I like that it can notify me of messages with more than sound.

Sorry, already moved on to kde in kubuntu. Unity is itself an annoyance.

clearly I am doing my homework if I am bothering to try each in their own VM. Looks like I am going back to KDE. Foisting a minimalist, netbook-like interface on me when I use a custom-built desktop with a spacious monitor is like making me drive 25mph in a Porsche. I don't care about the visual identity of their

Both foist "visual identity" as an excuse to remove all meaningful customization from the environment. At least in windows, an OS i don't see as particularly customizable, I can hide UI elements, sort of change the colors, and move UI elements e.g. the toolbar to where I find them to be useful. These, in my opinion,