Yeah, but at least he got Seattle a free timeout.
Yeah, but at least he got Seattle a free timeout.
This sentence from the story is much worse: "I believe he endorsed the trade to the Jets rather than his hometown Jaguars because he felt he would have a better opportunity to get on the field as a quarterback."
To your first point - I agree they've been in decline (and the TV ratings apparently reflect that), but they seem to still have enough cachet to overcome that. Honestly, I don't think fully committing to a conference would help them all that much. I agree they would have fit perfectly as the Big Ten's 12th member…
Because the Big Ten wouldn't ever give ND the type of deal the Big East did and the ACC is about to; namely, the ability to keep all their revenue from their TV deal, and not requiring them to actually play a full conference football schedule. And as long as Notre Dame has a route to the big money BCS bowls (and the…
Can't wait for the next domino to fall in the "Institutions of Higher Education Joining Hilariously Geographic Inappropriate Conferences" derby. Right now, I'd rank them:
Baseball's "unwritten rules" are so stupid. Why you would put the go-ahead run on first with one out in the bottom of the 8th (while in the middle of a playoff chase) is beyond me. It would have been hilarious if Phillips came around to score the winning run.
Fair enough on Luck, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. But don't say those missed calls don't happen. I remember vividly a play from a Chargers/Bears game a few years back where the Chargers were on the goal line and Tommie Harris was in the backfield when the ball was snapped, he caused a fumble that the Bears…
There are definitely some glaring mistakes there, and lots of room for improvement. However, I have an issue with a few of the ones listed:
I'd go with Miss Teen South Carolina.
Agreed on Bridesmaids. I thought The Hangover was overrated, but it at least had some genuinely funny moments, particularly the cameos. Unlike Leitch, I didn't find any of the characters in Bridesmaids likable in any way.
I used to enjoy watching Ratto when he was a frequent guest on Rome is Burning. His explanations for his poll votes are very logical. It's nice to see a writer who doesn't treat his preseason rankings as gospel and actually grades teams based on their performance on the field rather than just bump teams that win up a…
Roger Goodell keeps nudging owners toward hosting a regular season NFL game in Mexico City.
Ever since the season opener has been the defending Super Bowl champion hosting a midweek game, the home team is 8-0. Not sure about against the spread, but I think it's like 7-1 or 6-2 for the home teams. And you're way off base on the Giants' starts - with Eli as a full-time starter, they've been 6-2, 6-2, 5-3…
We're almost 21 now, sophisticated and shit.
With apologies to Chargers fans, no fanbase in the NFL hates its coach more than Eagles fans hate Andy Reid, and justifiably so.
Completely disagree. I've listened to Rome off and on for almost twenty years - the radio voice doesn't sound like him at any point.
I got my first real look at the replacement refs during the Chargers/Vikings preseason game last week...brutal. Too many ticky tack flags ruined any semblance of a flow to the game, and they missed two obvious turnovers that had to be corrected on replay.
- 2001-present: The United States simply doesn't have a budget
This points out the real issue with this bracket - the whole reason most sequels suck so bad is that they're done to cash in on the (sometimes unexpected) success of the first film, and the script is thrown together on the fly. When the second or third movie in a series is part of a pre-planned story (usually because…