
Pretty cool, but the TVR/Lotus formula is still better than adding a bolton to this truck (don’t get met wrong, it’s still fun, but I wouldn’t own one): Light weight and power, not lots of weight. Crack pipe. If it were like 4000 or so, maybe but at this price, might aswell buy anything else more useful.

cool but i got the invalid account on signin into ps4 and they couldnt solve that ,asked a lot of details. i wont be playing more ea games on that console

You forget the flamethrower option, best way to clear out rodent nests and other vermin:

“The ad says that until recently this was the ride of the seller’s college-age son. He has apparently moved on and didn’t want to take the Mitsu with him.” I wonder why. CP.  

That’s him reading the newspaper, taking a dump at this feeble attempt of an article to incite violence against his image. Again, rioters are not protesters. :-)

refrain from posting identifiable videos and photographs of protestors, particularly if they’re doing something technically unlawful—” yea, lets go with the rioter vs protester train of thought again, they’re only doing it for a good cause after all. lol.

It’s time to hit the sack and do some real job like the rest of us sad sacks that work for a paycheck :-O

What a great example of car, despite being the 944, it’s a Porsche (remember, kids, that also includes Porsche dealership values if you do service there, well there are also independent shops *wink wink*). Anyway, it’s a 4 cylinder, they’re well known for being cheap to maintain, it carries to Porsche crest on it for

Sometimes a blow job is better than a no job. “We’re just going from a half-assed job to a no-assed job.” 

As an owner of a shitty Nissan Micra with a manual and a HR16DE (and some ferrous material present in the last oil change in as early as 20.000 miles already) I’d say fuck it and ride it out until it goes bust, the car is crappy enough already and I can’t wait to find an excuse to replace it (MY 2017).

As fearless as japanese automakers have been in making their name in the last decades, Nissan clearly misses the point, by a lot in strategy. Even being 2nd largest in  the world it just doesn’t seen to have any plan whatsoever in making SOMETHING useful in regards to it’s financial situation. It seens to be simply

Alas, have an used Mazda for the price of a new one ! If you dare. CP. 

I just wanted to find her nudes somewhere.

I’ll never buy a Nissan again, there are so many problems with their platform that things break down easily. The CVT is known not to last, I now have suspension problems on a car that’s barely 3 years old squeaking like an used spring mattress in the McPherson strut, and they are also very underpowered. In the

the probability of my ever owning and driving a Rolls-Royce Cullinan SUV are somewhere between zero and never going to fucking happen. And I am absolutely, completely fine with that” Replace Rolls Royce Cullinan with any other SUV/CUV.

Whom-s0-ever drove a MR2 knows of that 1.8 liter, specially if turbocharged,tail happy, peppy little wonder. This model is the 1zz-FED which is pretty much the same as 1ZZ-FE but built elsewhere. IF an enthusiast so desire, a bolt-on kit might be used for a turbocharger, no problem. This has an excellent engine block.

It’s going to be free. Then I thought. Steam ? I’ve read EPIC Games Store. No thanks. You can keep your game and your software away from my pc. 

Gaben hologram: Welcome to Half-Life 3 (although overshadowed by HL: Alyx now). After 5.279.1 years in development, hopefully, it has been worth the wait.

They were done for before 2000's even began, with mid 2000's a couple of ok sports car (s15, 350z, 370z, GT-R). Then now only what is seen. I bought a Nissan because it was cheaper and because it was a Micra (1.6 liter manual transmission daily drive car simply, I need it to work and changed from a Peugeot before,