
“ I don’t think hipsters know how to drive stick.” But they could learn in this rust bucket. I voted yes to this car because it is in general good shape. Side rockers aren’t beat up, altough that rot there could need changing them sooner or later (dirt and debris removal won’t help after it’s rusted after all). Other

I don’t wanna sound pessimistic but F1 and equality are two things that probably will never going to be seen in the same sentence if it depends of itself.

I’m gonna seat out most of these from now on to see if I can learn anything out of it (after being grossly fucked over rebating the fucking Prius as a suggestion last time). Anyway, love the No Honda Civic thing. Don’t flame me for liking that too. edit: That in the fact I live in a hell hole and not the U.S. could

Excuse me for being wrong which I probably will be, MAYBE the costs of (labor, production, storage, whatsoever) for the new platform wouldn’t outweigh the benefits of selling the car in the U.S (Again, I may be speaking rubbish altogether, I’m brazilian so please excuse me for being wrong). PROBABLY (and I could be

In here (Brazil) the Yaris started selling only last year and this one. We had the Etios in it’s place but now they’re both sold. It looks a lot like the third or the Blue yaris in the inline-4 (lol) picture of Yaris’ generations. All platforms (of japanese cars over here) take a little about 1 to 2 years before it

The best job ? Join the army.

The best job ? Join the army.

I thank the god and the devil you didn’t get the Toyota P...ussy. Lets not get into that again. PLEASE !!!!! GREAT CHOICE !!! YOU WILL GET LOTS OF FUN IN IT!!! DID I SAY I FUCKING LOVE V6's !?!??? The next delivery car am buying myself is either the Civic or the Accord too !!!! Did you read my mind or something ???

By your “pending approval” I bet you came here just to defend the Prius aswell. Good for you.

Holy shit, here I am in my work and there are still more Prius commentaries flowing in !! Man, I want to kiss your cock if thats what you wanted !! You found a Prius for 5K!!!! Then help me god, do you want a pepperoni pizza topping in your delivery, sir ?? Here you go !! Clap Clap !!! This guy has found a Prius deal,

Yea yea, I don’t even think i’d buy whatever I advocated, I just read about the Fit aswell, but whatever I can’t afford one either. Maybe this guy might. I didn’t know that the average price of the Fit and Prius are pretty much the same around there (United States), I’d rather buy the Prius and fuck Honda anyways. As

You’re wrong. again. Look at the cute pic of my car front fascia:

A Camry ? I live in Brazil. This country is rubbish. The only people who own Camrys here are wealthy people. Most cars are falling apart like you’d expect, the Honda Fit is also kind of expensive to own. All the stuff you say “commuter lanes” ?? What the effing ef is that even supposed to be ? The most expensive stuff

Too bad this little post in dedicated to a pizza delivery service. I’d think they’d go broke even buying a Taxi license, let alone owning a Prius. Holy crap didn’t I say I deliver stuff ? If I’d pay this shit ton of money for something like a Prius I’d go in debt over night (if you read the other crap I wrote you’d

BTW, I’m yet to see more “enthusiasts” such as yourself exposing their preference for hybrid vehicles. Or electric ones.

I don’t think it’s patriotic to burn fuel mate, but where I live you need like 25000 dollars to own a Prius (used). Sure, if I had 25.000 dollars (or R$105.000 which is my currency) I’d gladly buy a good ole’ reliable Prius and drive around, but I: 1-Don’t want to get indebted paying for one 2-I’d rather have a

Well I’m sorry then professor if I wasn’t born knowing then. I guess we learn everything new everyday, don’t we all ? Or were you born with an encyclopedia specifically telling you how hybrid vehicles operate ? SMH.

Ever thought... Outside the U.S. ? Just because I speak english doesn’t make me your compatriot. Your narrow world vision might as well apply over there, but the rest of the world isn’t that enthusiastic about your hybrid vehicle at all.

As someone said, they’re too expensive, which is why I see not one of them doing any kind of work at all. The one or two I’ve seen were private vehicles and they were all about carrying a private person from A to B, not as a Uber, not as a hauler. They were private vehicles. From wealthy people, with money to pay for

the story ? The girl just used to pose as a japanese anime hentai girl enjoying having sex with the people who paid her to be in that face.