
youre right, my main knowledge base is for the most athletic beings in the world; sprint and long distance sled dogs, and what applies to them is certainly not the same as what applies to most house dogs. every dog is different and i would never say carbs are bad, or grains, a balanced diet is always best.. In our

i also work with working dogs, its a hard life being subjected to the judgement of well meaning but ill informed “animal rights” people, who keep their fat little dogs locked up in a kennel or house with a few potty breaks per day. dogs are NOT humans, that does not mean we can not love them fully and treat them with

QUALITY food is also an important part of this.  A high quality kibble with a high protein/fat percentage and low carbs is ideal.  Veggies and meat can be added if you have the desire.  It may seem expensive, but you dont have to feed them as much.

I didn’t say anything about struggling to get to 55mph or hooning. You try driving a car at 40 below zero and feel the power steering groaning, the tires out of round, the weight of the transmission just changing gears... sorry I don’t want to abuse my vehicles unnecessarily. 

the first day i had my license i was driving a couple friends around, we were on a curvy suburban road and the shadow cast by a streetlight and a sign looked like a person in the road.  i thought i was going to kill someone and i have never been so scared, and i’ve been charged by a grizzly bear

my parking lot from work turns right onto a 55mph road and it gets to -40 every winter where i live.  i was circling the parking lot once waiting to get up to temp and a cop stopped me because i was acting suspicious, i told him i didn’t want to blow a gasket and he told me to leave...

i’ve seen trucks blow the rear seal at 50 below

im just parroting what i’ve heard from fleet managers on alaskas north slope. i thought that the truck wouldnt run right without the DEF injection, although I know there are def defeats and deletes

well ive never used the cloud because i dont live in a place with good cell coverage or internet access, and i dont even know what you mean by ‘actions’. im drawn to android for expandable storage, the wider availability of apps, and the lower cost of hardware. i am concerned about privacy, and to a lesser extent,

yea a billion people in europe and india.  i dont know a single person who uses whatsapp (but yes, i pretty much only have apple users in my friendzone)

harry potter themed butter beer is just an excuse to move your poorly brewed diacetyl tainted swill to consumers who dont know better

but i’d probably buy an android phone if i could have the point...

this is honestly one of the biggest things keeping me from going android (yes, my laziness)

still, not gonna work for up north.  that def will freeze into a solid block in minutes if that heaters not going at -40, and i dont know of a battery that has enough juice to thaw it back out again.

thats just not true

i’m still looking for my 300d. it would actually be an excellent summer road trip car for AK i thnik.

i remember at the spritely age of 17, relentlessly hounding this dude on craigslist to buy his diesel isuzu p’up, with plans to start brewing bio in my parents shed.  i wish i’d done it, but he sold it to someone else.

Also, MODERN-modern diesels do NOT perform very well in the cold, due to the fact that DEF starts to freeze at 12F above zero! Fleet managers in the arctic have started abandoning them for this reason

I think its a regional thing too.  Up north the pumps run straight #1 diesel in the winter, down south in the lower 48 theyre probably a #2 mix or even straight #2

thank whatever god you pray to that we are past the days of IDI diesels