
Driver in the blue shitcan is a douchebag and should be sent for retesting. But when you cross a street, make sure everyone actually stopped. Don’t just blindly cross just because one car stopped.

Wtf has happened to Jalopnik? Guy “mods” his car by making the factory bypass valve stay open to have the stock exhaust a bit louder and people are complaining that it’s not fair to the general public? Gimme a break people.

Wrong way. The horse keeps hitting humans.

So, You want to tell me You have curfew in America due to some strong winds, and some reporter goes ape-shit, calling “crazy” and “dangerous” because of someone doing donuts on TOTALLY EMPTY road?

nd since it’s PA, it gets another regional name- Schuylkill Expy Sure-kill Distressway.

Jason, that’s definitely a Green Machine he was riding.

This is the east coast. There is no “the” highways. It is “76" or “I-76"

Don’t be obtuse. The ONLY reason this statement is getting blasted is because Trump said it. Instead of sending the production of old cars to mexico, why not keep them here AND add additional jobs and manufacturing for the new models here. The population isn’t getting any smaller.

Big tits eventually sag, but I still love them.

What if you always checked your mirrors before leaving a lane in other states too?

As a 2 wheeled motorist, it sure sounds like lanespiitting is making you a more aware and focused 4-wheeled motorist. Good.


I agree with the “No Hillary” and the hybrid sticker. More gas for me :) .

I don’t want the fix, I’m quite happy with my 50mpg thanks. I’ll take the cash though.

This would be one of the few exceptions to the rule for me. All I really want is the ability to use my phone as the brain of my infotainment (really hate that word) system. Mobile data to pull down traffic alerts, weather, street closures, etc. along with millions of songs via Google Play Music, iTunes, Pandora, etc.

Why I Fuck Up My Cars

“The tint is illegal,” he told me, “but I’ve never gotten pulled over for it.”

When I was younger I worried that my motorcycle would be the thing that killed me; now as I grow older I worry that it won’t be.

RIP Michael.

reminded me a little of this