
Most old money I know are the most frugal people I have met.

My heart goes out to you.

I had this same conversation, only the other way around. Same reaction, she stopped seeing/speaking with me for a while. I am not a therapist, just a friend and I understand how uncovering all of that must have been like ripping off armour you protectively glued in place for years and how uncomfortable the whole

“They called me a terrorist and kicked me off the plane!!!” Okay, would you prefer we call you an inbred, swamp thing that should wear a helmet at all times because you are so dangerously stupid, you are a danger to yourself and others? Or call you a waste of human skin?  Or ask you how you can be so bloody ignorant?

Anyone else worried that this whole thing was just a big diversion? There seem to be few consequences to the “protestors”. What if they were just there to divert from something really terrible going on somewhere else? Trump is not going to attend Biden’t inauguration. If he ends up being somewhere really safe while

Yeah, they’ll “look into it”. All of the protestors are white people, “look into it” is as far as this whole thing will go.

Kind of like the people of WalMart, he is a touchstone for style when storming the capital.

“We’re storming the capital. It’s a revolution.” Except you got turned back from the revolution by a little mace? What were you expecting? Guys pointing the way to the revolution room? It not like a Tump Rally and Revolution Attraction theme thing. This actually is happening.  I am baffled.

Is just that I am really high, or is this whole thing kinda like Warhol said about everyone being famous for 15 minutes? Trump has convinced a bunch of people in America that they can be famous and they showed up in costume?

Melania, tired of the circus, lures him into her boudoir dressed in Ivanka’s senior prom dress and makes it look like a sex accident.

There were no protestors of colour, so yeah, no consequences.

Everyone, everyone, everyone knows in their core, that if these protestors were people of colour - even if they are off-white or dark beige, the bodies of these protestors would be piling up.

The USA has now become one of those shit-hole countries 45 likes to make fun of. I gave both my middle fingers to the Trump supporters protesting the “stolen” election in my city. My city is in Canada - WTF people?

Are you my older sister? Feel like I was raised in the same house.

You are a good and decent person and I hope that 2021 holds everything that will restore your faith.  

THIS!!! I live in an affluent (WHITE) area and work in a really non-affluent (NOT WHITE) area. Critical incidents, and hostile incidences are handled totally differently.  In one neighbourhood, the disrupter is actually driven home by the officers.  In another the disrupter is at the very least, tazored and then put

First Nations people get absolutely zero tax breaks if they live off the reserve. Here’s your choice, go live in an area of Canada that is described as God Forsaken - usually it is a patch of land adjacent to Fort Saint Nowhere Away From Everything, with no services, no schools, no public health, no p0table drinking

They do not.  You are mistaken.  You need to crack a book.

Oh seriously. People of First Nations Status have to pay tax like any other person if they live off the reserve. They pay income, sales and property transfer tax (the irony of this one is not lost on me). You are perpetuating a myth that has been around forever about the tax free status of all First Nations people.

We are stuck between the letter of the law and her circumstances. According to the law, she committed a heinous, pre-meditated murder and the penalty for that is death. Her circumstances should have mitigated all of that. The death penalty is not something I will ever agree with. However, according to the letter of