
That Rey’s parents were nobodies, eh, not exciting & not new. Jedi & Sith didn’t have bloodlines, they came from all over the galaxy already. The Skywalker and, now, the Palpatine family lines having strength in the force is something unusual than the idea of the force users coming from anywhere.

I don’t know that it’s accurate to say that TLJ was “hated by everyone”, but it does seem disingenuous to ignore the stark contrast between critical reaction (like AV Club) and “popular” reaction.

People discuss Star Wars, and also people die? Is that what perspective means to you? Do the truth of life and death invade all of your attempts at participating in society? If so, that’s not perspective, and that’s not normal. You should seriously think about seeing a professional if you can’t compartmentalize

I personally know someone who died the other day, whose husband didn’t even get to say goodbye on an iPad, and yet here you are judging other people’s Star Wars opinions. Just pointing out how fucking petty and small and in need of a dose of perspective you are. And fuck you.

The first film was a serviceable return to setup a trilogy, albeit one that mirrored ANH too much at certain moments.

Which didn’t happen with Rogue One or TFA, so maybe it is TLJ? Oh, I guess a lot of people hated the female led Rise of Skywalker, so that was the misogynists too?

Yeah a lot of people are mistaking cluttered for complex.

To play the Devil’s Advocate here, there well may be. Disney is notorious for protecting their IPs and should they take offense at a critics review, said critic could well expect to find themselves “out in the cold” as it were regarding advanced views and the like. (For an example, take a look at how the video game

It also only has a 43% RT audience score (for comparison, Rise of Skywalker has an 86%).

Bombers in space; Luke disappears after broadcasting force ghost across galaxy. Mess from start to finish. Check.

It clearly does.

The Mandalorian called and would like to speak to these “ best thing in decades: commenters.

I’m sorry for your acquaintance’s loss, but... how is that relevant to anything they said?

You’re replying to someone who basically said that all critics are engaged in a conspiracy to pretend people liked a very popular movie.

It explores some ideas that were refreshing and interesting, but that’s about it. The movie itself is an utter mess.

I happen to agree with them on TLJ, but they used to be a lot better at cloaking their opinions in snark and innuendo rather than just outright saying “our opinion is objectively correct and you’re a piece of shit if you think otherwise.”

Gee, maybe some of “the love” went away when Disney decided what we all wanted was a slapdash sequel trilogy that made our childhood heroes miserable failures, cowards, and parents of a school shooter? And then totally undercut the finale of the original films by having Palpatine survive (more or less, clone,

The offical AV Club party line is that The Last Jedi was an amazing movie that revitalized the Star Wars franchise, and if you didn’t like it you are a sexist CHUD who deserves to rot in your parents’ basement for all eternity.

Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.

I actually quite liked what RoTJ brought to the table, sure it was heavily marketed towards kids but it’s a fun family film.