
That’s some great 1950's white guy basketball.

My best guess?

In related news: “The WNBA Finals Started Today”

This case should be a mistrial. The latest text message shows that the plaintiff has withheld evidence, lied to the court and her account is flat out false. Here we have:

How did Super Fan 99 feel about it?

Some facts for those that are unaware of kitesurfing stuff:

That’s her!

Discharging a firearm in public is absolutely a crime.

I know someone who is very happy by this.

It’ll be hard for Seminole fans to take the moral high ground on this instance of cultural appropriation.

The Baba Booey at :33 really brought it home for me. Maybe next time the Mets will Hit Him with the HEINNN

Best part?
Jeremy “Hardest Hitting 145-pounder” Stephens, last KO’d a guy with punches before Mitt Romney was even the Republican Presidential Candidate.

Maybe the Texans will sign Jeremy Shockey’s bald eagle tattoo to fill his spot

I’ve seen this Seinfeld, turns out it was the sweater.


Now I will demonstrate my management style for the benefit of, the new guys...

Now playing

He always kills it on Stern. May favorite is him and Artie Lange talking about the time Bob Uecker invited them into the booth at spring training. Note: the ubiquitous profanity is unbleeped.

The horror! An adult drank a beer in front of the, in front of...

“Tastiest NE QB I have ever seen” - Jaws, probably