Never Stop Fisting Until The Fisting Is Done.
Never Stop Fisting Until The Fisting Is Done.
Ricky Gervais Presents: An Idiot Head Coach
A group of mechanical engineering students from the University of Alabama came up with the design as part of a senior project, and the school quickly licensed the technology.
It probably took that fucking idiot one minute to look into moving to Canada, and realized it is god damn impossible for her.
They will lose their first game versus the Miami Sharks.
Popovich has been extra salty ever since Carrie Fisher confirmed their torrid love affair on the set of Star Wars.
Batman always has perfect form.
The sinking in the “mud”... I can’t think of a worse nightmare. Or the first time seeing a wave of gas... how Carlin describes it is horrifying.
It really is an incredible podcast. A friend of mine found it on a long road trip, while we were trying to find something to listen to that had a long run time.
Which one do you think actually has the smelliest ass?
Ernie Johnson’s vote for Kasich is a vote for Gary Johnson which is a vote for Trump you fucking shit heads! Barney Sanders!
He’s in a better place now, sitting next to Lou Reed in heaven annoying everyone.
That building was an undecided voter, now its so annoyed by the yelling. its voting republerkin forever.
Good job, now that building is Secretary of State.
In CA, we have kids protesting Trump. To who? I’m not sure. We protested Trump on Tuesday by giving Clinton 55 electoral votes with overwhelming majority. In 2020 we’ll be giving the next Democrat 55.
Thank god it wasn’t finish in 5 days, or, I mean jeez, who knows.
Yes. If someone exceeds that level of laughter the proper thing to do is launch beer steins at their head.
Is this in response to the accusation that pop country is rap music for white people who are afraid of black people. Where is Wheeler Walker Jr.?
I thought his Borat costume last year was better. But, its hard to compete with his Ace Ventura costume from the year before that. I heard next year he’s going as David Pumpkins.