If its a fight. The bull should be rewarded.
the fuck?
thanks, i understand.
Did you know some turtels (turtai) live for 400 years. Some lay eggs in a eggs head. I learned thats here. Lizards also like warm Hyena tails.
you solved it. bruce jenner is a gastropod
binary is an odd term to use. “here are the TWO categories I choose to identify with.” that statement means nothing.
george, I’m naive here. you dont plan to modify your body. correct? what is the difference between you and a femanine male? full disclosure; try to stay happy friend
You wanna get nuts!? Lets get... baseball?
It’s ok to prejudge a film, we will still see it. If its good its good. Only a maniac thinks a movie will be shit, goes to see it, its good and still says its shit. The joker LOOKS fucking stupid. He might be rad. Defending a movie you havent seen is just as idiotic as lambasting one. asking to hold off judgement is…
“the joker looks stupid” the reaction is , “how dare you say this movie will be terrible, how do you know huh? HUH?” a lot of water heads.
this dickwad is defending something while saying he’s on the fence. idiot doesnt know where he is.
Tom Hardy can do no wrong
It could have been Warner Bros confidence in Mad Max and would like to move him away from DC. maybe
Cru Jones approves
Did they? I remember the Ledger complaints. I thought people liked the first look.
Tom Hardy leaving was an early sign.
DC/Warner Bros are dead set on being dark and edgy. I could be wrong but I think they said so.
why would the joker tattoo hahahahas and his own smile on himself? I think he has the word ‘smile’ on his side. I’m curious what he has tattoed on his gut. On his arm, I think he has a robin (bird) with a skull tattoo.