
@The5thElephant: For me, the biggest issue is that it is a slippery slope. We all blow this off, then they take a little more, and so on.

@triggerx: Yeah, I'm a commissioned officer in the Army and as I am not down range or in a job that I need it at the moment, I don't have access to any classified networks beyond some FOUO stuff. You can be damn sure all 120k Lockheed employees aren't on the list.

@Saboth: Well yes, as in we fall under the UCMJ and not the standard code of laws, but what on earth does that have to do with physical media? I don't think hard drives are an inalienable right...

@willcraft: Yeah, I don't think so. I know where I am at you can't put a thumb drive in the machine no matter what network it is on. Black helicopters with ninjas inside magically appear in the sky when you do so.

@daqman: Tell your dad I appreciate him for helping me get paid.

@vpcmotorsport: haha. Excellent. Like the Navy was part of a foreign exchange student experience...they came and brought watches to trade the natives for, you know, coconuts and such. Standard US foreign policy.

To me, the obvious flaw here is that the effect on couch potatoes would never correlate to the effect on an SF Qualified Soldier. The "distractions" he experiences in two years of training, and then how ever many years of operations, like know...not sleeping for a couple days, walking 20-30 miles with 100

@OMG! A SeaMonster!!!: Hey now, that's not nice! We have important things to do like write OPORDs and meet with the staff at BN, you know ossiferly stuff. We can't help we are also so charming and funny.

@IceMetalPunk: I'm a commissioned officer in the United States Army. I dare say that my secret "call for destruction." Is very low on the list of reasons I joined.

@Dusty_Duster: Yeah, Israeli engineers working in an Arab country...I'd say they're all paying up to whoever had Dec 1, 2010 in the betting pool for when Iran would finally figure out their little joke. And they're probably also having a nice chuckle.

@IceMetalPunk: I mean did you expect the Iranian government to actually take that stance? You realize we already knew they hated the Jews, right?

@Ryan: Absolutely true. When one came out, I was too young to really follow it. The plot changes threw me off big time. Now I love it.

It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.

@Mr Quacker: Where I live there is a developer that has done this same thing (I'm sure there are many stories like this). Anyway, in this case the developer builds mountain top properties. In building a new development he needed to put a rode through the protected watershed. He was told not to. Did it anyways. And why

I worked at a Harley-Davidson shop in like 2000-2002 and all the salesmen/owners still had StarTACs. I can remember thinking damn that must be a solid phone for those guys to be sportin' them. I wanted badly to be that cool.

@Rhapsodos: Unconstitutional? Where on earth in the Constitution are we provided the right to fire services? Gah, some of these comments are ridiculous. At least do some research before spouting off.