Norn Cutson

The face from Mr. C's playing card - which also may be the face of Mother - who also may be the figure in The Glass Box - is also on Major Briggs's note.

I genuinely cried over the Bobby Briggs scene.
It stirred up so much of my own unresolved relationship with my Dad.

Somebody GETS PAID to sleep with that.

This sounds awful!
I'll never watch!
The comments are fun, though.

… you & I in a little toy shoppe…



Even more than the show, I've missed the discussion this week.

Cher, Kathy Najimy…

It's been freaky to see my friends go so far left that they're now on the far right.

I love it.
I've always loved it!
I didn't know people didn't like it till reading comments here!

Not if I see you first.

… and she has an offended double-take!
Like, "I CREATED this look!"

They kind of feel like real people who get to be in a show, while the others are acting!
And I mean that as a compliment, in that nothing seems WRITTEN about them, as if they alone are ad-libbing on the spot!

I LOVE those credits!

READING COMPREHENSION: we're talking about Ouija's son, not Maria's Yadriel.
"Also I liked the reveal that Ouija's son was watching Flaritza's video, partly because it seems like that would really piss Ouija off."

I believe there's a miniseries in development!

I've been re-watching GLOW.
I hardly ever re-watch a whole season of anything, but GLOW left me hungry for MORE and I found myself cracking up throughout the day, recalling Ruth's Russian accent… and I marvel at it even more the second time!!

SINCLAIR took over my local hometown station in a left-learning college community.
Suddenly, our trusted local news team were introducing these faaaaar tight-wing segments, obviously produced elsewhere, as if they were coming from these newscasters who had built up decades of local trust.

Thank you for your thoughtful reviews, and this fun, safe, supportive space to talk about GLOW!