Norn Cutson

The moment Dolly Parton's BARGAIN STORE came on the soundtrack was the moment i went from "liking" to "loving this show!

This is the kind of "spoiler" I'm GLAD to read!!!


I think a 10 year old could watch WITH a parent, and a 12 year old could watch by themselves.

It's not as gross/gory as POLTERGEIST (thank goodness).

So far, it's all jump scares and atmospherics, no gore or graphic violence.
Very limited shots of the monster.

I think its the EARNESTNESS; there's no sense of sarcasm or irony and there's no grandstanding.

What nerve!

Yeah, didn't Dustin say in the first episode that she "used to be cool, remember when she wore that elf costume?" and Mike yells, "THAT WAS THREE YEARS AGO!!!" (a lifetime ago to kids)

I'm really frustrated that she's still in that 'girl' drag and I really hope it doesn't last through the rest of the show!


Michael Jeter would have played him in the 80s!

I remember a summer with my next door neighbor and best friend (well, that was based on location rather than any genuine friendship). He was 12, I was 8. Every day, we would walk downtown, hang outside THE CAVALIER MOTOR LODGE and he would go into motel rooms with older guys and come back out with money for the

How is it that people on OITNB can respect that but commenters of ST can't be bothered???


Agree with your comments about bullying being true-to-life.
Disagree about leaving gender politics out of it.
The reviewer was commenting,not "knocking".
It's a valid point.

HA, I just posted that, too!
Let's be friends!

Also Margaret Atwood's CAT'S EYE!

Yeah, my parents always WANTED me gone!
And they had zero interest in where or what I was doing, just as long as it didn't interfere with their drinking!

Ugh, this is how my sister and brother-in-law are with my niece; they don't let her play with other kids because they want to control every influence in her life.
Luckily, she has me; I'm "The Fun Uncle"!