Norn Cutson

This show is the only 'show" thats SPEAKING to me right now.
I feel like WE are growing and changing right along with it!
Maybe because there's no middleman, its not written or produced by committee, but it just feels ALIVE in a way I've only experienced in live theater, never on television or film.

I took it as "Follow Uncle Pete's advice and you too can live a miserable life all alone!"

I read this TWICE, because I could not believe you didn't mention Dan DeCarlo ONCE!

Nancy Walker.

Love that Jill Soloway!

PLEASE let there be more than 4 episodes!
i am THRILLED to buy and support HORACE & PETE!

And the ending… That we see this woman who is in DEEP ANGUISH, CONFUSION and PAIN, who, I think, is actually very honest and open with Horace, just written off by Uncle Pete as "that c#^%"…

A "burden"?!?!?
I feel its a JOY, an OPPORTUNITY to learn more about The Human Condition!

I getcha, beema!

I love this episode.
I love Laurie Metcalf, and I could feel how thrilled she was AS AN ACTRESS to give herself so fully.
Its interesting that Sarah sees their son as doing so "great", when we've heard from Alice that he's "miserable," and she "doesn't want to be like him".
And Sarah considers Alice

"Are you saying my apples aren't hat they ought to be?!?!?!"

It LOOKS like a good show.
And it SOUNDS like a good show.

I forgot to ALSO say that I LOVE this show and am DEEPLY emotionally invested in HORACE & PETE!
Any critiques I have must be balanced with that fact!

I almost wrote this exact thing.

FANTASY ISLAND always felt like it was JUST ABOUT to get sexy, and JUST ABOUT to get scary….
… but it never delivered.

One of Tanya's eps includes the BELLY demos, just her on guitar, and they are more wonderful than the versions that were released!

Jo Miller is genius and a good person who does NOT put up with bullshit!
I'm thrilled for FULL FRONTAL!

I LIKE those human touches.
Makes it more like theater.

I forgot all about that scene!

This episode felt more slight - the intermission WAS necessary in the first episode but not here. This one is more sitcommy. I like it better stagey.
On the other hand, I felt some warmth for - and from - Uncle Pete this episode and that was a great surprise.