Norn Cutson

SR Warren would LOVE this!
Your friends are lucky to have you!

I notice with Maxwell that she uses the hand gestures of an educated person.
I wonder if thats the character or the actress.

I noticed her again in the background during movie night of this episode!
So maybe she'll be an actual character!

Yes, I love Blanca, i love to listen to Blanca, I love to LOOK at Blanca!!!

You know, I think they should have just STARTED the season with Bennett being GONE.
Those scenes added nothing except contributing to the season's slow start.
If he's gone, do we really need to understand his perspective and motivations?

I just realized… there have been ZERO Piper flashbacks this season!


Thank you for bringing it back to Polly and their soap business!

You are right about the sitcommy tone!
I'm really looking forward to assessing the Season as a whole.

I wanna know DeMarco's story!
Remember her 80s hair in Red's S2 flashback?
That actress - Lin Tucci - SELLS every line!

Yeah, and in the flashforward season, the flashbacks can be what we see as The Present NOW!

Young Joey Caputo sure was cute!

Piper is a hypocrite… You KNOW she "believes" in "Worker's Rights" in an amorphous NPR kind of way.

And THAT HAIR hurt!

I'm eager to watch again from the beginning to see WHAT WENT WRONG WITH THE PACING this season.
Because it turns out THEY HAVE A GOOD STORY, but, from what I've seen in social media, many people bailed by Ep3 this season, because it was sooooo slow getting started.
For me, it didn't feel like the show I knew and loved

I like Gina, except for being mean to Soso.
She helped keep Nicky clean.

Also, I understand now WHY Alex doesn't mix with the rest of the cast; she wants to just keep her head down, do her time, and get out.
All this time, I mistook that as a weakness in the writing.


The way Bell was EYEIN' Donaldson!!!