But Passing - or, more specifically, Overcoming The Desire to Pass, Learning to Love Yourself, is the theme of this show.
But Passing - or, more specifically, Overcoming The Desire to Pass, Learning to Love Yourself, is the theme of this show.
There was so much discussion about the issues in comments throughout the season. I was surprised that Our Review never addressed or acknowledged the range of feelings.
Thank you so much for sharing this!
I'm certain the storyline was inspired ONLY because of the absurdity; if it was PLAUSIBLE, it would be SAD, not funny.
I'm re-watching the season now and i like it even MORE the second time!
And thats partly thanks to the trial episodes; first time watching, I was always afraid that the show was going to get TOO cutesy… but knowing that the satire gets a little more BITING at the end frees me from that.
Re-watching, you can also see how…
She really IS funny!
Her parents are the ONLY CHARACTERS IN THE WHOLE SHOW that are NEVER treated as a joke!
I love them and hope they feature MORE in season 2!
Thats what NBC thinks, not me.
RANDY is the show's concession to NBC's demand for STRAIGHT WHITE MEN Appeal.
Because that is the ONLY demographic that would find him funny.
And they were showing us how EASILY he manipulates everyone; even Titus found himself falling for it!
I interpret Randy as Fey's response to NBC's demand for "more straight white male appeal"!
…but its not "just" pop-culture; ITS OUR BROKEN JUSTICE SYSTEM.
I'd read your comments about the Wolf imagery before I got to that scene, and it really ENHANCED my enjoyment and made it more emotional for me!
Thank you!
I think this whole show is a lot SMARTER and DEEPER than people understand, because its wrapped in such a cute and goofy package!
She has always left me cold, but something about this role, or something about where I am in Life now, I find her SCREAMINGLY FUNNY!!!!
I ★★★HOWLED★★★ when they revealed his legs were just a video!!!!!!
In a way UKS may be the only justice that the women in Ohio get, since the authorities allowed Ariel Castro to suicide out before trial.
..but he REALLY IS in a cult!