
Anyone spending $500k on that image deserves to get fucked over

Some of my favorite videos to watch from the older games, but most have sadly been taken down for some reason

If you see it coming, just run away. Not too hard to avoid, it has a pretty long tell. She’s also really easy to cheese if you keep spamming frost stomp on her, especially when you have a Mimic doing the same thing. She can barely get attacks in because she’s constantly being stunned. 

Man, fuck Radahn and fuck the final boss of the game too. Both are cheap as hell. Radahn is a great fight and definitely some new boss battle mechanic from From, but he’s still cheap and I never want to fight him again. 

Those 7 truckers and 2 bros can’t travel? 

It’s just as easy to walk away from the enemies and stand in a corner. Nothing patrols outside of their designated areas or paths, plus if you’ve cleared an area, nothing else will find their way to you. This isn’t like Dark Souls where you can be invaded at any time, as long as you’re human. 

Never assume anyone understands anything, EVER. The internet has proven just how uneducated or unwilling to understand things people really are.

I spoke to her at some point after defeating Godrick and she gave me a mission to return a dagger to someone. 

Guess you haven’t flown around the map on the easter egg Harry Potter broom.

I feel like we are going to get this same article many more times

NetEase’s ability to help Bungie access the huge Chinese market – much as they already do with Blizzard – will surely have appealed.”

Both I guess?

Wasn’t that other IP a China-Only release for NetEase?

It’s well worth buying compared to a lot of other games. 

I never said I liked exclusives, but exclusivity is still the reason why people claim one console is better than the other. It’s annoying, but MS did what everyone was asking them to and solving the issue when people gave them shit for why Xbox One trailed PS4. 

FF7 was exclusive over 20 years ago before MS had an established console that Square would trust their games to. Since then pretty much every major FF game has come to Xbox. So, this was still a shit move, doesn’t matter that the original version came to PS back then. MS just has the money to make these moves, if Sony

Took me about 10 seconds to place an order and confirm. Super easy. 

I didn’t dispute that fact, but at the same time no one gives Sony shit for making something like FF7 Remake exclusive when FF games have been on Xbox for a number of years. Sony isn’t innocent either. 

Everyone loves Playstation because of their exclusives and have no problem when they make games from popular series exclusive, or a popular character like Spiderman exclusive to their version of a game. How many times have people claimed Xbox sucks because “there aren’t any exclusives”, so MS does something about it

I get how NFTs work. That’s not what I was saying. Skins aren’t created to work across games. Activision, Epic, Sony, etc arent going to all divert resources to make a skin to guarantee it works in their game along with others they have no hand in. It’s just doesn’t make sense monetarily and that’s just not how game