
White folks always giving the rest of us white people a bad name.

And Twitter is already alight with the racist posts...

I remember enjoying that and Maladroit when they came out, but kinda faded for me after that. I think it was just being excited they were back together and getting to see them live finally.

I’d have been finished with the first one on Insanity if the game would stop crashing in the second half of the Saren fight. Happens EVERY time.

Or wait until Sunday to find out if the rumors of Ubisoft+ joining Game Pass are true.

Or wait until Sunday to find out if the rumors of Ubisoft+ joining Game Pass are true.

I loved both L4D and L4D2, put many hours into them both with friends. Just went through Second Extinction as well and am excited for Back 4 Blood. This just felt very lackluster, and by the other replies, others are feeling the same.

Have they really had any “A” material in 20 years? Nothing I’ve heard even comes close to the Weezer that release Blue and Pinkerton.

I hope I’m wrong, but this did not look fun. Just multiples of the same enemies running at you over and over again while characters say really bland uninspired dialogue.

What the hell was that Weezer performance in the stream? Holy shit, I knew they’ve gotten bad since Pinkerton, but that was fucking terrible.

It was in the stream earlier. Creator was talking about how there’s a bunch of new stuff he added to the game.

A few games I’m excited about, some I had already planned on playing. More than I was expecting, but also a lot of meh...

That’s what it was.

Wasn’t there something similar that happened on a recent Capcom game (maybe even RE8)?

I love the hypocrisy in that “there are kids here” while she’s throwing “fucks” around like it’s nobodies business.

Hahaha...I actually came here to comment that I’d wait for the NFT.

People aren’t upset over this, you and the author of the Root article are upset about this because you think you’re making a point and want to get clicks on your lazy journalism.

It’s lazy journalism as a front to get clicks and show ads. It’s articles like this that gives Gawker sites a bad name.

Now that I see this, I want a very late to the party Monsters University mod.