
Keep hoping they will add the next season of Better Call Saul. Sadly, it never happens.

I think I paid a little more when it was half off in an Xbox sale. Definitely worth the money. I’m more than happy to pay for a game like this if it helps convince the developer to make more.

Glad to see Maneater finally making its way to Game Pass for everyone to enjoy this gem. I can’t wait for the DLC release this summer.

Your frustration makes sense. Even in the early stages of them announcing transmog, everyone already knew it was going to be a huge fumble from Bungie. It’s just like every other new system they’ve implemented, way overly complicated just because.

Think I’m going to finish up this new AC:Valhalla DLC before getting into what will probably be a several month dive into Mass Effect. This weekend will be Second Extinction or Remnant: From the Ashes with some co-op friends.

Did my VoS run the other night. Finished it with 10 minutes under the 3 hour achievement. If you can max out the STAKE Magnum and get unlimited ammo on it you should be fine. There were a few points I had issues with and had to try several times, the last two boss fights are probably the hardest parts of the

What kind of Seasonal drama is going on now? I decided to give the game a rest about 3/4 through last season, after my 10 or so solo run through that new ship mission, so I haven’t been paying attention.

I loved the puzzles and tombs from the first couple games, could do without the challenges and collectibles though.

It was definitely an underrated gem that was passed up due to more games being 3D.

Would love to see a re-release or remaster of Herc’s Adventures from the original Playstation days! The art and animation were so great, but I was never able to actually beat it.

Damn, that sucks. Good luck finding fish and hope your eye heals/recovers soon.

There’s a couple actually. I don’t want to ruin anything, so explore and look for all the treasures on the map. Go back to places late in the game too, especially the field ;)

The only place I can think of you might not be able to return to is after getting the motorboat (the one needed for the main story). Before going through the curtain on the shack, you can take a right down a path to find a few fish and treasure. (There is a spotlight shining the direction you can go)

There are actually a few extra pieces of meat. When going for the 4th main boss, you can take a left after the gate and find a mill. Inside is a miniboss that will eat a bunch of ammo. After taking it out there’s a door you can shoot 3 locks off of to find the rest of the meat you need and a few more to sell or if you

Also, don’t sell all of your treasures as soon as you get them. Double check them to make sure they don’t say “Combinable.” If they say “Valuable” or “Very Valuable” you can sell them, if they say “Combinable” you can find other parts to it to make it more valuable when you finish putting it together.

It was published by Microsoft though, not sure where the licensing issue stands with their own games.

Was just thinking the other day that it would be cool to have a Left 4 Dead with dinos....and then a few days later it appeared.

With a few exceptions, I don’t think we forgot, we just didn’t care.

Feels like 3 of the same game and Lego Batman.

It’s not about the theaters carding or refusing people admission, it’s about studios knowing some parents won’t allow their children to see R-rated films or won’t go see them as a “family.” Even though their kids are still watching R-rated films, they can’t go to sleep soundly knowing they didn’t allow them to watch