
The main game was a lot of fun, but I wasn’t expecting any DLC. This is definitely an unexpected surprise.

This is also coming to Xbox (not sure about other consoles). I believe it was shown in their indie showcase the other week.

Both The Order: 1886 and Ryse both deserved more praise than they received. Both were panned because of their short finish time. It boggles my mind how many games get treated negative because they’re under 10 hours and then games like RE3 get praise, just because it’s a RE title .

I’ve given up on expecting anyone to realize that all these films, going back to the original Godzilla film, are mostly the human storylines.

Was about to mention V for Vendetta, then I realized that was 16 years ago. I’m getting old :(

It looks fucking awesome, this is coming from someone that had no interest in the first movie. I love how all the twitter replies are complaining that it’s different from the first.

Environments look amazing, characters (especially in the cut-scene footage) not so much.

So basically, instead of banning people on platforms where environmental issues are brought up, they will be pointed to information about this auction so they can wipe their hands clean.

don’t forget...someone just sold a years worth of farts for $85

My sarcasm was pointed at the fact that they’re imposing a 6 hour time limit.

I can pay to stream a game I own for up to 6 hours. Thank you?

Got it.

Are “Man Who Shot Liberty Vance” and “Master and Commander” only available for a month or is the list broken?

That sucks, thanks for confirming though. 

I’m curious if a third party could release software that uses the device that cuts out Cricut’s process and server need?

I told myself I probably wouldn’t play this unless it came to Game Pass, based on the demo, it wasn’t something I’d pay full price for. I guess I’ll give it another look, it’s something to pass the time until the Mass Effect remaster comes out anyways.

These parents can get fucked

Real Genius...YES! Easily one of the best 80s movies

I’m an artist and I keep seeing other artists post that they released an NTF. After looking into it, I just don’t get it. People are spending money to own a “moment” related to the piece? So, technically they’re paying money for bragging rights? Maybe I have it wrong, but this sounds like the dumbest thing that the

I remember awhile back it was mentioned that both games were only “timed exclusives” to PS