
My sarcasm was pointed at the fact that they’re imposing a 6 hour time limit.

I can pay to stream a game I own for up to 6 hours. Thank you?

Got it.

Are “Man Who Shot Liberty Vance” and “Master and Commander” only available for a month or is the list broken?

I told myself I probably wouldn’t play this unless it came to Game Pass, based on the demo, it wasn’t something I’d pay full price for. I guess I’ll give it another look, it’s something to pass the time until the Mass Effect remaster comes out anyways.

These parents can get fucked

I remember awhile back it was mentioned that both games were only “timed exclusives” to PS

From what I gather, it’s more like Division without the online aspect. Just 3 person co-op and there’s a possibility they might add more content later. That being said, I couldn’t get into it. Wasn’t terrible, but not something I’d pay full price for. Probably something I’d just wait to be on Game Pass.

From what I gather, it’s more like Division without the online aspect. Just 3 person co-op and there’s a possibility

Subtitles here as well. If it’s not the audio being uneven and drowning out the dialogue, it’s someone wanting to come in and talk to you without caring that you’re busy with something.

I’m convinced that companies no longer do any market research and testing.

You’d be amazing at how many people were convinced it was going to happen and are complaining it’s not. These happen to be the same people that refuse to wear masks when they go out and don’t understand that had everyone just paid attention and listened things wouldn’t be as bad as they are. (They really don’t like it

Can’t say there’s anything in this list that says I need a PS5.

It’s great they want to work on new content, but this excuse is completely bullshit. If you play the Nightfall strike, you ARE PLAYING IN THE AREAS THAT ARE MISSING!

there is one thing missing from this...”they always do”

If you’re going to attempt a No Man’s Sky type reboot, maybe try doing actual work on the game to reboot it and not cut the team down to 30. 

One less person to pay. 

Did you read the article or maybe you skipped the part where they hired the same model he used and asked her to recreate basically everything she did for the previous photo shoot? 

I actually enjoyed the most recent film based on the reboot games. Way better than the Angelina Jolie films.

this will be the second in a planned trilogy

MS stated a few weeks ago that increasing product availability was one of their top priorities.