
I’ve been really enjoying the game. Actually finding it much more fun than Odyssey (which I thought was good, but ultimately found it to be way too long and got boring) and think the side quests are more interesting this time around. I’m finding Valhalla to be more like Black Flag than the last two games.

I love working in the gaming industry (that was sarcasm since we are on the internet) where companies don’t want to pay for benefits, don’t want to contribute to a 401k, and barely want to pay a salary you can live on (I’ve seen job listings for designers in Los Angeles wanting to pay $30k).

I believe Game Pass Ultimate will cross PC and console. ($15/mo)

I like that Microsoft is thinking about things in terms of the PC market instead of console market. They’re thinking in terms of playing games across generations for generations to come. Some might see this as a negative and preventing them from pushing games forward, but if we can play games we loved from xbox one 3

haha...yes, pregnat

Yeah, I usually only turn in for E3 and similar, which are definitely that chart needs to be turned off on.  Only time I’ve watched gameplay are usually Destiny raids.

Don’t skip the “are you pregnant?” Comment

Some classy comments in her chat there...reminds me why I turn off the chat anytime I need to use Twitch to watch something.

I know it’s not a launch title, but really looking forward to Hellblade 2.

Sucks to be you. Only issue I had was an occasional running in place bug and I had it day one. I enjoyed it and played through more than once. 

Unity was a great game that got shit on because the PC version was broken.

Will I get to keep my Celery and Toothbrush? I don’t see them on the list. I think I have a bunch of Ramen Tickets too. Don’t touch my Ramen Tickets!

I normally don’t mind indie titles. I loved last months offerings, both Slayaway Camp and Maid of Sker were great. This just looks like an empty budget bin at Wal-Mart and these were the only titles left at the bottom.

They should have taken that $85 value and given us 1 really good game.

Now playing

Let’s all remember this game was announced 7 years ago. 2 weeks isn’t that big of a deal.

If it’s any good we can be sure it will be cancelled after the first season.

This makes me want a remaster of the PS1 game Herc’s Adventures by Lucasarts.

She was hired by Microsoft to do a job. Nowhere in that job description does it say she deserves to get death and rape threats or be harassed, no matter what you think she is. 

Gaming fans really can be the lowest of the low sometimes.

You missed Falconeer for Xbox Series S|X