Protip, don’t say “BYE, Rachel” to her, because it will only feed her. She’ll hear “Biracial” and think you’re encouraging her.
Protip, don’t say “BYE, Rachel” to her, because it will only feed her. She’ll hear “Biracial” and think you’re encouraging her.
It’s all kind of ironic, right?
Meet Mick, a very special cat who doesn’t need you or yours to feel himself and keep his life on track. Mick wants…
Many people have filmed secret catcalling videos—famously, this one—as a way to call attention to street harassment.…
wait, is “cultural anthropology” an excuse we can now use for every cringeworthy period or indulgence in our own lives?
Stole that first name too...
I eagerly await the day that Swatch writes his tell all about life behind the scenes of Project Runway and gives us the “real” Tim Gunn ;)
I see your bear, and raise you a moose family playing in sprinklers!
For anybody that was ever unclear what white privilege is. This. This is it right here. If a Black/Brown/Asian parents had allowed this to happen, they would have ended up in prison and/or been shot/accidentally killed by police on the way to the station. Nobody would have any sympathy for them because they allowed…
You could be right. But I have a sneaking, horrible suspicious that it might be even worse than that. That Josh learned that behavior from his dad (or maybe his mom, but usually it’s the dad). And that that’s why the cop is a family friend, because those two guys had something in common. And that’s why they have so…
A magazine that mostly exists to be shocked that famous women get fat when they’re pregnant is doing better reporting on sexual assault than Rolling Stone. What an age we live in.
Click the little wrench and pencil tool in the upper right corner when you’re writing a post. It will open up a menu with various options. Highlight the text you want in a gray box, then click the quote (“) marks. Then press the down arrow key to get out of it and back into normal typing mode, I believe.
I had to have…
If there's one thing I love, it's cheese-covered gluten. And if there are two things I love, they're cheese-covered…