
The fuel injection is reliable. The problem is a lot of people did not know how to work on it. Car is a lot of fun, owned one post high school in 07-08. Not fast, no ac, but very entertaining to drive. Got a lot of looks even then.

The problem with this is the longs are going to be rusted. This car is not going to be a

The line I draw is “is it worth more than the sum of its parts?”

Maybe it’s your German cousin?

I loved that little rubber thingy as a child waiting in our 1968 Beetle waiting for my mom to come back (imagine leaving a kid in a car like that today, LOL). Let me correct you on the levers though:

So how long before we start to see rear sliding doors on SUVs, or traditional rear doors on a minivan?

There was/is a guy in southern New Hampshire who has/had one he calls the Ponda (Pontiac+Honda). I first saw it in 2011 and took these pics at a local car show:

This is the face he kept seeing:

Yeah I don’t see why you buy this instead of a Leaf.  The range is about the same, but the Leaf seems to be more of a “real” car.  This seems like a golf cart that they made street legal. 

Agreed. I backpacked through Europe last year and they were a godsend in many places. Scooters allow you to hit many more sites in a day than public transit and they’re much cheaper than cabs. I wish there weren’t accidents or buffoons, but I don’t think we should throw out, or in this case, burn down, the baby with

I get all reasons why they suck, and I love a good barricade; but they were a nice option for last mile transit from public transportation. 

“Looks Good” Justin

Don’t sleep on those lower HP V10s. I rented a 17ft Ford box van with the V10, and that sucker really moved even with a house full of stuff in it. V10 life was good.

Let’s do it!

There is a hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant in Akron, OH that has some of the most amazing food I’ve ever eaten. It’s a husband and wife and one other employee. The husband does all the cooking. The location itself is kind of dumpy and the hours can be hit or miss, but my God, the food is so good and priced

“None of the connecting rods appeared bent” is not the same as “none of the connecting rods are bent” 

Thank you, Michael and Jason, for giving us something to speculate about other than Covid-19 and its related theories and conspiracies.

Also, cheers to David Tracy for having a sense of humor about himself.

*hits refresh 7543 times to get comments to appear* The key here is this is a real patina. It was not created by paint, hitting with chains, rather it is the old pair of jeans that hits that sweet spot.

David, David, David. How could you even consider buying your way out of this? Think of US, your loyal readers.

I’ll do you one better and offer for your consideration the SAAB moped...