Norm the Alligator

@Foohy: Hollywood lost its balls a long time ago. Honestly I stopped caring about remakes a long time ago. The general public will still go see them because they remember the originals, there's nothing that can be done about that. I just choose to not go see them and not to get upset by them.

@Foohy: I just think it's fitting for someone that has made his career out of making remakes of films that don't need remakes. And maybe in the process it might wake some people up and see how hypocritical it is.

@lodown: 50 years? They're remaking Let the Right One In and just recently remade Death at a Funeral, both of which were made only 2 or 3 years ago. Where have you been?

I really hope this happens. Not because it is a good idea, but because maybe it will wake up people to see that these remakes are a bad idea in the first place. People love Tim Burton and are more than happy with the remakes, see how this sits with them. You can pretty much guarantee they will complain about this one.

@kifac: shows up on my phone fine, aafree with sentroshi it is most likely HTML 5. When you right click on a computer it doesn't have the Flash options either.

Anyone else notice that to show the bars dropping without the adhesive strip he had to hold it for awhile, but when he put the strip on he held it for half that time and turned the phone over?

@JEmlayUSA: technically this IS early adoption because almost everything about the phone has changed. Antenna is different, new OS, entirely new design and materials.

@Zonky: When my phone is sitting on my desk or table it is fine and I have full bars. As soon as I pick it up to start using it the bars are all over the place (with and without the bumper, same response), which basically means it's an issue with handling it.

@Zonky: Bumper DOES NOT remove the problem. I just sat in my living room trying to make a phone call at 1 bar when I normally have full bars in there. Same as trying to make a call yesterday when I did not have the bumper.

@Norm the Alligator: Not sure if you saw this news, but AT&T won't have any walk-in phones available until the 29.

@bschh: was able to get one for delivery. looking forward to Thursday (and not having to deal with people in stores).

@bschh: if you go stand in line without a reservation you may be able to get one, but you will have to be there pretty early (maybe even the night before based on when people on other forums are talking about getting there). might still be taking online reservations for store pickup, but I don't know if they

@bschh: phones are sold out from At&t for presale...the chances of this happening are slim to none. If you try to order from Apple they aren't even offering anything for delivery before the end of the month.

even though it says you might get yours on the 23 the chances are highly unlikely you will. Apple in the past has had shipping companies hold orders if they arrive early so they can be delivered on the world-wide release date.

@illiniphase4: I'm from America and I think Basketball and Football are horrible and unwatchable. Nothing like taking an hour game and turning it into 3-4 hours because the players just stand around between plays, the clock is stopped every chance it gets, and the advertisers need to sell you things that distract you

I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't really notice them anymore until after the soccer match and I hear people complaining about them. I find the complaining more annoying than I first did with the Vuvuzelas.

he didn't say he had a toilet or bucket in there... :\

@Trowble (XBL/PSN): wouldn't it be funny if he didn't have a reservation and was sitting out there so he was first for a "walk-in" iPhone, but they didn't get any extra stock?'s Borderlands meets Fallout 3 meets Mad Max with a little bit of the Hills Have Eyes?

@HackBerry: giving the game the benefit of the doubt there, really hasn't been a lot announced about the game yet. There could be "teaching" elements we don't know about yet, or they're something that could be added into the game with an update or later installment.