Norie Creates

I’m sure he’s one of many in that dept and around the country that think like this! It would take centuries to root them all out but I’m glad at least this one’s gone!

Unbelievably sad and shocking that anybody, but especially kids could be this heartless, cruel and stupid! Who or what raised them??

Your comments are so accurate! I’m currently reading Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington which describes the same narrow minded, idiotic fallacies by the so-called fathers of medicine while using black bodies for heinous experimentation with no anesthestics! The ingrained belief that black people don’t feel

He has a healthy OJ complex! It’s sad when obviously black people deny thei Black heritage! Virginia Loving, OJ Simpson and now him are/were living the Imitation of Life!

Wow, what else does M. Vick think Kapernick should do, lower his eyes when white people address him?? Such coonery! And to think Black people rallied hard for him when he was jailed for dog fighting!

So can every black person sue the KKK in return? Can we sue the government for allowing the sanctioned rape, torture, murder, lynching, burning people alive and every other atrocity committed by white hate mongers!

She needs her ass beat! Stupid POS! I’m sick of these chicks that choose a man over their kids!

Lmao! Your comment made my week!

My heart aches for his family! The Ignorance and violence of some of these people is incomprehensible yet we are viewed as the threat!

RAGE! That’s all I’m feeling after yet another senseless, racially motivated killing of US! Another killer with a badge who will no doubt get a paid vacation!

Wow, that’s some Cain and Able ish!! Good luck repairing that brotherly relationship!

Typical karTrashian behavior! StealIng  and sleeping their way to the top!

This is some bullshit! So you detain a child for walking on your lawn but totally ignore the fact that a white teenager gave a child a drink possibly laced with drugs?? Where was his “officer of the law” mindset towards the White boy that potentially drugged the 12 year old. Again, I call bullshit!

Damn, I thoroughly enjoyed this!

This is so incredibly sad!

Wow, “promote trump’s agenda in a more aggressive role”. Is that really a statement to make when you’re linked to the death of an inmate!! Sheriff kiss ass coon!

Once again, we’re shown that our lives don’t mean a damn! Their constitution did not include us when it was written and it still doesn’t include us now!

My heart aches for this child!

Wow! Great examples of white priveilege existing in conservatives and so-called liberals! I pray he and his family and all of us for that matter stay safe!

Who gets to beat her ass for being a poor excuse for a parent?