Mikael Nordgren

Well, the phone is actually from Sony Ericsson not just Sony. Different company. :) It's most definitely aimed at the lower end segment. Then again, not everyone can afford nor want the high end models so maybe they can move some units of this one.

Actually, neither did I until I looked up the list of loan words from Swedish... Smörgåsbord and Ombudsman are probably the two most well known, when it comes to origin.

As a Swede I'm happy to see the correct "letters" used in the word Smörgåsbord. :)

Best comment ever! :)

Have I ever said that I was unbiased? ;)

"There isn't an Android phonemaker on the planet who outdoes what Google's already doing with Android." I would respectfully disagree and say that the latest Xperia phones have small unobtrusive and enhancing changes, I seem to recall that Kat was in on the same idea in one of her reviews.

Hehe, well I never claim to be unbiased. I do, however, look for that quality in journalism.

Nice to see it hit the excellent SE phones in the first batch. I hope all other 2.3 phones follow suit shortly.

It's nice to see the Android domination displayed at the otherwise a "tad" too apple os centric Gizmodo. :)

Wow, it must really suck to have friends like that. That would go out of their way to start an app that imitates that the phone is dead, instead of just saying that you don't want to lend it to you. Besides, if you have any newer Android phone WTF would you want to touch anything else, let alone an apple phone...

Haha, that's exactly what I was thinking. The design looks very much like Sony Ericsson. It's just that it has the apple os on it instead.

Real happy for HTC and their nice slider, but calling it the best camera phone ever seems like an overstatement. And comparing it to the nowadays quite crappy iphone 4 is downright strange. The old apple phone is blown away by the sensor in Sony Ericssons Xperia Arc (rumored to be the same sensor that iphone 5 will

Hehe, awesome. ;)

That's quite a good idea actually. The only problem is that alot of the time they replace certain standard apps with their own and they don't easily co-exist. But it should be doable if big G enforced it. ;)

Well yes, there have been thinner phones... but the article was regarding thinnest "smartphone". :)

Yeah, but this positions the lens into the right lower corner. Opposite of where you would want it to be if you are right handed (assuming that you trigger with your right hand). The way I hold any point-and-shoot this would put my fingers right over the lens...

Haha, no not really. But I'm a Swede though so I might be biased. I'm sure there are other brands that also make good carriers. ;)

Well, considering the amount of research and innovation that Nokia has delivered throughout the years it would have been strange if Apple's patent portfolio in the mobile field even came close to match the fallen giant.

Picasa already syncs video doesn't it? I actually haven't activated it myself since I use another service, but thinking about switching to Picasa just to get the automatic integration with my Arc.

Fantastic comment. ;)