Mikael Nordgren

Well not really. If the antenna isn't exposed to human touch, like on the iPhone 4, then it doesn't suffer the same engineering flaw. Yes, you can form your hands to block the signal (attenuation) on all phones... that's not the same thing.

Those ads are fantastic. I adored her in FotC.

This is quite interesting. Soon the 2.3 based phones announced at MWC will start to hit the shelves and users can test this out for themselves.

Absolutely fantastic! And spot on! ;)

Just get one the Xperia phones from Sony Ericsson. The Arc, Neo and Pro all have the new Exmor Sony camera sensor that's 8MP and down to 2.4f. There are quite a few videos showing of it's very impressive low light abilities. The Arc and Neo should be coming within a few weeks... I don't know about the Pro (slide out

Yeah, that's true. It is quite impressive for being just one guy and a lot of patience. ;)

As nice as this endevaour is, I have to say that it pales in comparison to the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden.

Awesome video, you have to hand it to the Taiwanese for making news more "exciting". ;)

He's holding a helmet... must be American football. The kiwis play rugby, no helmets in that sport. Or any sissy shoulder pads for that matter. ;)

He was first charged of rape on august 20, 2010 here in Sweden. The charges where dropped the very next day. However, the process was reopened on the 25th with charges of sexual harassment and that was then "upgraded" to rape on 1th of September.

Word! ;)

Wow Kat, I am truly amazed. :) I never did think that you would write such a positive review of a Sony Ericsson phone. I seem to recall someone writing that she would "never" buy a Sony Ericsson device.

Looks interesting indeed. SE has around 14% of the Android market world-wide... despite only really releasing 4 products starting in March 2010.

@mruler360: That's strange, do you have a source for those numbers? Perhaps I'm missing something, but according to this article:

@JDickson87: I agree, and I hope that more consumers agree. If apple wants to limit the platform, then choose another platform.

@RocketScientist: Ah... you live your parties, like I live my days! :)

@mruler360: Oh, I don't think that there's even a comparison any more... is there? ;)

I seriously hope that this "walled garden" approach fails hard. I like the hardware (well, most of it) that apple does... but common, this is just lame.

Ads, ads, ads. It'll be interesting to see who has the coolest ads. May I ponder a guess that at Japanese/Swedish phone company will have a spot.

A lot of people was bitching like mad about the lack of updates from SE for the X10... and they sucked at delivering the 2.1 update, it was much later than it should have been. But it came, and yesterday so did the update to tweak the driver to allow dual-touch (for some unforgiven reason the hardware team decided