Will the bad player and the mediocre team patch up their differences in time for the 34th game of Spring Training? Tune in tomorrow to find out!
Will the bad player and the mediocre team patch up their differences in time for the 34th game of Spring Training? Tune in tomorrow to find out!
Bad player retires from bad team over dumb reason
This is shaping up to be the biggest “Who gives a fuck?” story of 2016!! My heart is not racing for the next installment!
Of his three appointments Obama appointed two women. He has also appointed a significant number of women to the Federal Districts and Circuits. Currently the Circuit is heavily populated with male judges. As such Scotus will tend to reflect the available talent pool. That being said the legal field is changing, most…
I’m going to go way out on a limb and guess that the Goose has strong opinions on Black Lives Matter.
All the more kudos to Barack Obama for not changing his name to Brad or Bill.
At this point do we need any more proof that the fashion world is full of cocaine eating deviants, nazis and possible cases of undiagnosed head injuries?
I thought he only spoke for Tree Rollins.
How is the ref supposed to know the guy is injured if the injury was unscripted? It's not like they're real wrestlers or he's a real referee.
“I believe the integrity of Breitbart News, my own personal integrity, and the legacy of Andrew Breitbart are at stake
“Breitbart News is no longer a journalistic enterprise...”
Hopefully every once and a while the show tries to point to how bizarro it is.
I’ve always seen the lack of diversity on the show as an implicit criticism of silicon valley culture. I think having a diverse cast despite the whiteness of the real silicon valley would serve to protect the very people they’re trying to mock.
I recently came across an all-black rescue named Salem. I have mixed feelings about the awesomeness/cringe-worthiness of the name. Your choice is equally delightful, but with less controversy.
I don’t know if any of his NBA stuff can compare to the time he described the Butler v. UConn brickfest as being like when he had to take an ugly girl to prom because he wasn’t famous yet. Top-3 all-time announcer moment.
CBS having Barkley cover a sport he clearly hates is inexplicable and I hope they never change.