
It’s like Republicans passing repeated anti-gay marriage ordinances. For a while in Texas I thought it was their only legislative initiative for like 10 years (it was, the rest of the state fell apart)

“And he was delicious”

It’s good to see the Rockets’ bench as pissed as I am that they made the playoffs and actually won a game in the series, thereby delaying the eventual demolition of the team (Scott Brooks and Tim Thibodeau have already been hired by other teams while the team joylessly marches towards elimination)

I am reading it in the voice Brad Pitt used in Snatch to set up some trailer park bare-knuckled brawl.

I have to admit, I was surprised when a grassroots BLM protest in Ferguson seemed to spontaneously erupt in a “2-4-6-8/Pakistani Lives Are Not That Great!” chant

I still can’t believe they’ve relegated Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo to a one-batter lefty specialist.

I always wondered why Cruz trumpeted his conservative credentials by saying he’d never go “Back and To The Left”

“Holy shit! He’s really a moderate!” — the horse-race-craving media, much to the delight of the goalpost-moving industry

I guess that leaves the Rockets with Jeff van Gundy, maybe they’ll now give him the keys to the whole thing and send Daryl Morey off with a parting gift (a Dreamcast and 2001-era NBA game)

I can already imagine the trailer where ol’ One-Note Ferrell invariably shrieks and runs his tiny car into a Starbucks, so technically I’ve already seen the movie.

To a weaselly little ex-debate nerd like Cruz, he must see standing up to a bullying ex-jock like Hannity as his Daniel-san/Jerry in 3 O’Clock High moment.

I’d reconfigure this as the apple = Clinton and the grapefruit is Trump, as the grapefruit lodges under the brake pedal and causes the Bus of State to crash.

Dammit, where did O’Malley go.

God why can’t this all happen one day after he’s officially nominated

I always remember people in the 90s assuming that if the Rockets were out of it, I would default root for Jordan. “Why in the fuck would I do that?” I’d ask angrily. “Calm down, son” my Dad would say.

So without further research, I’m guessing a list of everyone tried at The Hague for Yugoslavian-related war crimes in the 1990s and 2000s?

My biggest mistake was taking $5/hr to ref intramural women’s basketball games, especially when two sorority teams were involved. I thought I was unpopular BEFORE.

I’ll never forget the on-field fight between two coaches when I was 10; the opposing coach was an irascible drunk and accused our coach’s “Fat-ass wife” of yelling during pop-ups to frighten his team into dropping the ball. She -was- doing that, but in all fairness she wasn’t fat, she was big-boned.

Now playing

Somebody on the MLB Netowkr (?) compared his stuff to J.R. Richard, and it ain’t wrong, Richard may have had one of the first 90+ mph sliders.

Counterpoint: while I can see a argument for the admittedly calculated persona of Coach Pop, nothing about Duncan is inherently likable.